Thursday, 5 May 2016

Day 2: Sunny Scotland?!

Hello from an unusually sunny Scotland! It's not very often I get to say that these days!
Today, was an in-service day for the schools where I live so basically, we had a day off and like I said above the sun was shining. Usually, whenever we get a day off school it pours with rain which makes today a very rare occasion! It was rather nice to have a bit of a lie-in this morning; no waking up at the crack of dawn and a mad rush round the house getting ready for the day ahead. Instead, I slept to around ten am, leisurely got up, washed my hair and got organised for my radio show this afternoon. Although, by the time I sat down to a bite of lunch I was on the verge of running late so I quickly consumed it before rushing round picking up everything I needed for today's show.
I arrived at the studio and went through the side door today as the community centre was closed for the election today. When I arrived Chris and Allan were live on air, you should tune in to their show before my mine on a Thursday morning and give them a wee listen! So I chatted with them and Kevin, who helps out by taking the listeners texts and phone calls, it makes life so much easier because when you're in the studio by yourself it's pretty crazy running the computer system whilst juggling texts and phone calls. During the period of time before I hit the radio I also usually prepare the first couple of CDs that I'm going to need during my slot and load them up into the CD player.
At one pm it was change over time, the news plays for a minute or two and I get settled down and ready to present the show to you lovely people out there. Today's show was good fun as always, I played a variety of different tunes including Coldplay, Billy Joel, Bruce Springsteen, Madness and Oasis just to name a few. My Mum and Laurel came and sat in the studio today during the show as the building was being used for voting so I managed to get my Mum to take a few photos of me to post here on my blog.
After, my show we popped to the local Morrison's and got fuel for the car as we were on the verge of running out-breaking down on such busy roads didn't sound like an appealing idea. Back to Ayr it was where we stopped into Sainsbury's to get the weekly shopping and nipped into the café for a soft drink as I stupidly left my bottle of water in the car during my show so was extremely parched. A nice big glass of Pepsi did the trick though!
We took the weekly shop home and Mum picked up the polling cards from the house whilst I sat in the car bopping to the radio whilst I waited. Before long Dad arrived home from work and the three of us set off to the local community centre to cast our votes in the election. This was my second time voting in an election; my first was just three days after I turned sixteen years old in the Scottish Referendum. It's quite exciting to be able to get involved in the elections now I must admit.
Returning home, Mum popped the Dinner on whilst I roamed the estate (okay it's the garden but it feels like an estate with the size of it sometimes!) and enjoyed the sunshine. I then made a start on writing this post when I was called through as Dinner was ready. I've since returned to my workstation (my laptop) and am listening to tunes whilst I type this. Actually, I've just looked at the clock and it's twenty past six already so I suppose I should go get ready as we're going out to the cinema tonight to see 'The Jungle Book' live action remake in 3D. I can't wait to see it as the trailer looks great! I love a good Disney film so I'm sure this will be no exception. I've heard nothing but good reviews about it, so pop back to read my thoughts on the film in tomorrow's blog post.
Anyway, I wish you all goodnight and hope that wherever you are that the sun's shining and making you smile!
Love & Peace,
The Hat Hippie xx

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