Friday, 6 May 2016

Day 3: A Great Day!

I sit here on my usual spot on my bed listening to some great tunes whilst I write. I do have a desk which I had great intentions of becoming my writing workspace however it seems to have accumulated many random bits n' bobs which I have yet to find a home for. Anyway, it's officially the weekend! Happy Friday everyone!
Today has been a great day for me! As you'll have gathered from some of my YouTube videos, I have a bit of a fascination with vinyl records and enjoy visiting records stores and fairs whenever I can. The record fair which visits our town every couple of months just so happened to be in my local area today and had been advertised across town with posters stating that it would be open from the hour of 10am-5pm. So we popped into town this morning before tutoring, visited a couple of shops before making our way to the specified location of the record fair. On arrival one of the guys running the fair whom I didn't recognise from previous fairs rudely turned to us and told us it wouldn't be open for another 20 minutes despite that it was in fact 10 o'clock. And by that point most of the boxes were already laid out on the tables and ready for customers to browse. We went for a browse in New Look to pass some time when the stubbornness in me came creeping out. I turned to my Mum and said 'You know what? They can keep their records, I'll take my business and my money elsewhere and visit instead my local record store at the other end of town'. Our time for parking had almost ran out so we couldn't make our way to the record store and back in time so I decided I'd wait and pop in another day in the near future. Mum however, felt sorry for me as she knows just how much I love record shopping and managed to park the car nearer to the record shop which gave me the chance to pop in and have a look around.
It had been a while since I'd last visited however the owner recognised me from a previous shopping spree with my friend Heather and ended up chatting with me and recommending some music to check out in future. In passing conversation it was mentioned that I run a blog and have an interest in media etc to which he asked me if I'd like to get me involved by writing for the shop's website which of course I'm absolutely delighted about! So there you go, a great opportunity came out of the situation! It's the record fairs loss and The Hat Hippie's gain!
Coincidentally, I was sitting in the car with Mum on route to pick Laurel up from school this afternoon, the radio was on at a low volume due to us chatting. Somehow my ears picked up the familiar sound of Stevie Nicks' voice, I can seriously spot it a mile away. Immediately, I cranked up the volume and sure enough Fleetwood Mac's 'Gypsy' was playing. 'Gypsy' is one of my all-time favourite songs, I find it very meaningful and always feel inspired by the story Stevie shares on stage whenever she performs it. I actually discussed the story with her last year and how it related to some of the things which at the time I had recently achieved. Since then her advice and encouragement has stuck with me and it's become a driving force in my life during this past year. Hearing that song on the radio this afternoon, once again felt relevant to my life today. It's rather funny when things like that happen isn't it?
Well I really must go for now as we're about to head out and pick up some Chinese takeaway for Dinner-mmmm! I hope you all have a great remainder of your Friday evening and I'll speak to you tomorrow!
Love & Peace,
The Hat Hippie xx

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