Thursday, 12 May 2016

Day 8: Busy Busy Busy!

Well, this time last week I decided to write my first ever daily blog and somehow I've managed to write a post every single day since then! Woop! Woop! I'm definitely going to stick to it and keep writing each day for as long as I possibly can. Yeah, each post might not be uploaded at the same time every day due to the craziness life and how unpredictable it can be, but there will be a post nevertheless and that's all that really matters!
I'm sitting here in the usual writing spot (not my desk!) a little bit excited about something I have coming up very soon. Unfortunately for you guys I can't tell you what it is just yet but it's pretty exciting! Promise! Keep an eye out for more details in future posts!
So what has the day had in store for 'The Hat Hippie'? Well, it's been a busy one that's for sure! It all started with the usual wake up routine-I'll not go into too much details to avoid sounding boring, I highly doubt you want to read every detail about what was on the morning news. But why is it that on a school morning that my bed suddenly becomes a cosy cocoon and getting up is a serious inconvenience? On weekends getting up is fairly easy-why can't it be the other way round!?
After dropping Laurel off like we do every other morning we popped into Morrison's on route home for a few bits and pieces. Before long I found myself back home and seated at the kitchen table with sketch books, paints, paint brushes and pencils scattered around me. I had artwork to complete before my tutor came this afternoon. To be honest, I don't think I ever want to see an apple ever again! I have never been so frustrated when painting/drawing in my life; I just wasn't happy with it. The end result looks pretty good but that's all thanks to my Mum with her support and encouragement telling me to keep going. But seriously, if I'm ever asked to draw an apple again I think I might flip-I much prefer painting flowers and leaves! But in the end it got completed and that's the main thing! Good riddance!
My tutor arrived around half past one for my art session, she was very pleased with my completed work and we spent the session working on a few pieces we'd been planning to do as part of the coursework for Nat 4 art. It's all coming together pretty well and the sketch book looks absolutely amazing if I do say so myself! I'll enjoy flicking through it when I'm older and looking back at everything I've done. I'll make it my mission to take a few photos when I get all of my work out again at some point in the next couple of days.
In the car on the way to pick up Laurel, BBC Radio 2 were playing 'Under Pressure' by Queen and David Bowie which was brilliant. Love that song! It's a favourite of mine to jam along to on bass-it's one of those addictive bass lines that I could quite happily play over and over again.
An ice lolly was in order for each of us on arrival back home as it was still boiling hot.It's been a while since Scotland was this warm for as long-I think it might be a record by now! Poor Laurel had studying to do for an upcoming maths test at school so had to head upstairs to her room to study. I began clearing away all of my art supplies and somehow managed to drop a ton of art paperwork behind the radiator next to our table. I couldn't exactly stick my hand down it as it's such a tight space so I dug around the kitchen looking for something long enough to do the job. Eventually, I found a rubber spatula and with that managed to pull everything! Thankfully, the heating was off! I remember sticking my hand down a radiator when I was little (I must have dropped something) and burned my skin and still to this day, I have a small scar from the burn on my left hand. An incident not to be repeated!
We enjoyed sitting out in the garden watching the world go by and were also joined by Dad once he finished up from work. There was a bit of a breeze in the air today so it was a bit cold for me and I ended up digging out a black sparkly poncho from my wardrobe to keep me warm. The slightest hint of cold alway seems to affect me, I think it might be to do with my medical condition and how it affects the nervous system. Anyway, I managed to get most of radio prep finished for tomorrow's show as we sat outside so once I finish typing this I'm going to quickly check over it and add the final few songs to the playlist. If you're about tomorrow be sure to tune into 103.1 3TFM or listen via the TuneIn Radio app between 1-2pm UK time to hear my show!
I really ought to go now as it's getting late, have a good evening folks!
Love & Peace,
The Hat Hippie xx

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