Thursday, 26 May 2016

Day 19: The Temptations of A Music Geek in HMV

Tuesday, a day further into the week. That's always a good thing! I can't quite believe how quickly the week has flown in! But I guess that means it's a week closer to the Summer holidays!
As I write I'm sitting here listening to the amazing Stevie Nicks up full blast in my headphones because what else do you do at half past twelve in the morning!? The night owl in me strikes again! Anyway, let's talk a bit about what I got up to on this fine day.
We dropped poor Laurel off at school this morning stressed beyond belief as she had part two of a big maths test first thing this morning. I'm absolutely hate maths (I'm completely useless at it!) so my heart really went out to Laurel and the rest of her class. However, Mum got a text from her a little while late to say she had done extremely well in the first part of the test. I'm so pleased for her as she works so hard-so a huge well done to my amazing sister! I'm so proud of her!
Tuesday is an afternoon tutoring session which means we have the morning free to do as we please. Usually, we go out for a bite to eat in order to save cooking lunch when we arrived home as it often entails a bit of a rush due to the times my tutors come at. I decided on going into town this morning and having breakfast at Debenhams as well as a look round the shops before they begin to get busy. I hate shopping when it's busy; it just isn't worth it in my opinion.
We had a wee nosy in Primark where Mum found a couple of lovely tops so decided to try them on in the shop changing rooms. As I waited outside for her I noticed that a chair had been placed in front of the disabled changing rooms (see photo above) and there was no staff on hand to move it. So unfortunately, any disabled customers would be unable to access the changing rooms independently. Normally I'd have given them the benefit of doubt and thought perhaps it had been left there during the night and no one had got round to moving it as it was so early on in the morning. However, there has been previous occasions in the same store where I've waiting on someone from my family in the changing rooms or needed to use it myself and noticed that clothing rails blocking the door or other customers have been encouraged to leave their shopping baskets in front of it. I can't say I'm terribly happy about it hence why I want to make use of my blog and highlight issues such as this one. It will also be something I mention in the next customer survey that they ask you to complete on the shop receipts. Rant over!
I decided to pay HMV a visit as I was well overdue a browse. Within minutes I found myself getting a little carried away. All I'm going to say is never let a music geek loose in a music shop! Trust me; it never ends well! They had an array of Prince CDs and vinyl that I'd only ever seen available online so my eyes were glistening with excitement! Somehow, I managed to muster enough willpower to refrain from buying anything. Although, I think I really have to give my Mum the credit for that; she had me out of there before I could even think about heading to the checkout. I know I'd regret it next week when I hit Bruce Springsteen's merch stall so really, it was a good idea in the long run.
Finally, it had reached opening time for Debenhams cafĂ© (it always opens half an hour later than the shop itself) where I ordered a cook breakfast (as you do!). And my goodness was it delicious! Although, the highlight for me was the 80s music they were playing in store. The playlist included 'Sweet Little Mystery' by Wet Wet Wet which was quite funny to think that exactly a week ago to the date I interviewed Graeme, WWW's bassist for radio. Needless to say I enjoyed singing along!
Laurel's delicious Malteaser milkshake!
Two o'clock and music tutor arrived for my lesson. Again, carrying on with The Rolling Stones theme we once again went over 'Get Off Of My Cloud' and made a start on 'Ruby Tuesday'. According to my music book the bass parts are mostly played on cello however my tutor show me this technique where you strum the bass at the end of fret board to create a deeper cello/double bass sound. I've since become addicted to jamming along to it and spent most of the evening in my room practicing it. Being able to play an instrument is an absolute privilege and I'm so glad I've persisted with it and never gave up-it's totally worth it!
And that's it really, nothing more to report for today I'm afraid. Well apart from Laurel making the most delicious Malteaser milkshakes-mmmmm!
Love & Peace,
The Hat Hippie xx

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