Monday 9 May 2016

Day 5: The Garden

Good Evening Everyone!
Today's post is a bit later than anticipated. Why might you ask? Well, for once we actually had some sunshine in Scotland and to top it all off it was very warm! What a difference compared to yesterday's weather! So I spent the latter part of the afternoon and evening sitting out in the garden making the most of the sunshine whilst it lasts hence why I haven't got round to writing until now.
It's after 11pm so I think today's post will consist mostly of photographs as I took quite a few whilst pottering around the garden and that means I might actually have the post completed before midnight which would be a bonus!
So what did I get up to today? Well, we took a short trip to Matalan this afternoon for a wee nosy around. If you're ever looking for new home accessories, Matalan is the place to go! They have some many cute bits n' bobs to choose from so you're bound to find something that'll suit the theme/colour scheme. Mum even picked up a couple of mason jars filled with solar power fairy lights for the garden. I've posted a pic of them all lit up down below to let you have a peek-they're so pretty!
We then nipped into town for a rather brief visit, picking up a few necessities before heading back home. As soon as we returned home Mum and Dad attempted to set up the new lawnmower as our grass was in need of a good cut after all the rain we've had. During this time I spent some time jamming along to some cool blues and funk tracks that my tutor had shown me on YouTube to play along to on my bass guitar. Somehow I always manage to get a little carried away with my bass which results in a blister on my finger-ouch! Eventually, I decided to put it down and head out to the garden with my camera in hand to enjoy the sunshine for a while.
It's so lovely to have our own garden at long last! Prior to moving house we lived in a flat without a garden, needless to say we missed the outdoor space very much. I cannot wait until the Summer holidays to take full advantage of it! But for the time being it was nice to get a taster of what's to come and enjoy laying down in the grass and watching the fluffy clouds float by in the sky up above me. I can't think of a better way to pass time to be honest! Pure bliss if you ask me! 
After dinner we decided to sit out in the garden for a little while longer. The sunset tonight was absolutely breath-taking; the sky was covered in an array colours such as shade of pink, red and orange. The photograph really doesn't do it justice. As the sky began to gradually darken a crescent moon shone bright in the sky-for those of you who don't know; I have a slight fascination with the moon. Again, it is very beautiful!
Anyway, it's looking like it's going to be after midnight before this post goes live so I'm going to leave you now with a selection of photos to illustrate an unusually warm day in Scotland! Enjoy!

Love & Peace,
The Hat Hippie xxx
Cloud Watching

Cloud Watching

This little fella landed on the chair beside me

The beautiful sunset!

Gorgeous little mason jars with fairy lights


  1. You look so happy in the photo! And I, too, love Matalan!

    1. Thank-you Mia! I feel very glad to finally see a change in the weather and to get outdoors and enjoy our new garden. Matalan is fab! Could have one of everything from the home department! xx
