Hello Guys!
Gosh it's been rather quiet around here hasn't it, I'm rather frustrated with myself for not daily blogging of late but to be quite frank I haven't been feeling so well with pain. And you know how that goes. The change in weather of late certainly hasn't helped matters for sure. The spell of sunshine and warm weather is long gone-come back soon, I'm begging you!
So I've just had to do what my body's told me and rest as much as I hate to use that word. I can't stand not doing anything however sometimes I've just got to go with it. I keep logging into my blog and find myself staring a blank screen looking for inspiration to write but gave up eventually as nothing I wrote was worth reading. That's what happens sometimes and I know there's no point if I'm not totally "feeling it" hence why I've been so quiet.
Early last week, on Monday, I attended my first wheelchair skills training appointment at hospital in Glasgow and surprisingly we found where we were going with little difficulty. I didn't do too much physically as they had to do some adaptions to my wheelchair which basically made it lighter than it already is. This, in turn makes the chair a lot easier to tip (yes tip!) which will enable me to be able to bump it up onto pavements with as little trouble as possible.
I attempted to learning some basic skills which will result in me being able to bump onto pavements however it'll definitely take a lot of practice and persistence. As a result I've had sore arm muscles but I suppose I've had to carry my own body weight which I'm not used to but again I'll get there eventually. I'm determined that's for sure!
It's Monday again, my second last day of tutoring before I finish up for the Summer holidays tomorrow and my goodness am I relieved about that! I am absolutely shattered and very much in need of a break. I had my last art session on Friday there and I believe my tutor handed in my art coursework so fingers crossed it'll be worth all the hard work and effort and it'll get a pass!
My music session this morning was a little different to what I'd normally do and instead we met my tutor at the local guitar shop so we could pick out some new music books for next term. I had a little longer to get ready this morning as the shop doesn't open until 10am which was rather handy as I was absolutely exhausted and on a go slow mode. Apparently my Mum woke me up at the normal time this morning however I must have nodded off as she had to wake me up once again at around 8am. I decided to stay at home whilst Mum dropped Laurel off and give myself a chance to wake up a little.
Just a short while after Mum returned home, my Grandparents arrived as Grandad was going to stay in the house whilst we popped out to the music shop as we were having repairs done to our tumble dryer . At this point I was still sitting on the sofa in my PJs half asleep with no intentions of moving. Eventually, I did get myself going; got dressed, made my bed and put on some makeup before heading into town with Mum and Gran.
My tutor was already there by the time we arrived so we had a browse through the shop's book selection and decided upon a three different bass books. My tutor had been looking at some of the amps and trying out some of the basses so called me over to have a wee shot. There's nothing quite like plugging a bass into an amp, turning it up loud and hearing the pungent sound fill the air. It gives me such a buzz!
Heading back home we picked Grandad up and went out for a spot of lunch and a nosy in TK Maxx although I didn't spend any money for once. I've been saving my it for going away during the Summer holidays. It's always nice to have a bit of spending money in order to splurge a little!
And that really brings me to the present moment. I thought I'd do a bit of blogging in my free time this afternoon in hope of successfully managing to finish writing a post and update you all on why it's been so quiet.
Speak Soon!
Love & Peace,
The Hat Hippie xx
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