A photocopied segment of the collage I've been working on
So I haven't got round to updating my blog for a few days much to my annoyance but I have literally working non stop on various other things and before I know it, I'm quite literally nodding off with my laptop sitting in front me. That's usually a sign that I need to pack everything away, head to bed and get some sleep or I wouldn't be worth a button the following day. But it's Friday night (well, the early hours of Saturday morning to be honest!) and I don't have to get up early so hopefully, I can get a few things ticked off the list tonight that I've been meaning to do.
Well, yesterday (Thursday) I aired the first part of my first ever radio interview with Graeme Clark from Wet Wet Wet on 3TFM which I was extremely nervous about. I don't know why I was so nervous but I was! I mean the radio side of things feels like second nature now to be honest but I suppose considering it was my first ever interview, it was only natural haha!
It was also my first ever evening slot on radio as I've now moved from Thursday afternoons to Thursday evenings and it actually was almost a year to date since I aired my first ever radio show (well technically as it's now Saturday it IS a year to date!). It's quite frightening to think it was a whole year ago; in many respects it feels like a lifetime ago and in other ways it feels like it was just yesterday. My friend Jim who started at 3TFM at the same time as me and aired his first show at the station before me swapped over to evening slots back in January but my new slot is now straight after his again so I'm absolutely delighted about that! It was so lovely to catch up with him at long last!
So how did the interview go? Better than I thought to be honest! So far I've received good reviews so that's the main thing-phew! I made my poor Mum sit outside in the car to listen to it as it made me all the more nervous to have someone in the studio watching me-sorry Mum! Although my Sister decided to come up with us and leave my Dad at home to listen to it by himself, I think it was more the fact that Mum had bought a big bag of Malteasers to munch on in the a car that enticed her to come (there was none left by the time I got off air either so I made Mum stop into the petrol station at Sainsbury's to buy a big bag to stash in my room). I believe that Mum was sitting having a wee tear to herself whilst listening (proud mother moment haha!).
Oh I'm going off track a little! Before I go any further, I just wanted to thank you all for sending me such lovely messages about the interview! It really meant a lot to me reading them all! Also, a huge thanks again to Graeme for everything! From actually agreeing to it in the first place, to being so easy to talk to during the interview, being interested in how I got on with the editing side of things when I spoke to him at his gig last week and helping me promote it; I really do appreciate his support!
Besides the big day at radio, I've been run off my feet writing various articles. It doesn't help that I'm an absolute perfectionist and probably over critical but I'm not happy unless I know it's 100% to my satisfaction hence why it sometimes take a little longer than I'd like to get things done. I must read everything I write at least a hundred times before I'm entirely satisfied with the outcome.
A few weeks ago I mentioned that I've been working on achieving my National 4 in Art & Design and well, my art tutor is hoping to have it handed in next week so getting the final touches these past few weeks have bene priority. Although there's never a serious moment in the process of it, my tutor and I always end up in fits of laughter over one thing or another and that's how I like it. It's not really like school it's more relaxed and fun so I count myself really lucky!
My final piece for the course is pretty much complete, I probably mentioned a couple of weeks ago feeling completely out of my depth creating collage and struggling to see where to take it. However, I am delighted to report that you'd never even know that it was ever the same piece of work. I really love the end result! My tutor took it away with her the other day and photocopied various sections of it and enlarged it so we could show various examples in my sketchbook we've been putting together and the photocopies look equally as amazing if I do say so myself! I'll insert a pic of one in particular to let you see a quick glimpse of what I've been working on.
Back in September/October last year we spent a period of a few weeks focusing on designing masked inspired by the stunning venetian masks and the different seasons throughout the year. We'll also be using the masks as part of my coursework so my tutor asked me to model it so we could take a photo to put into the sketch book too so I snapped a quick selfie to let you guys see one of them.
Modelling the mask I designed |
And it was also really lovely to catch up with my lovely best friend/adopted big sister Heather this morning for a coffee in Costa and a wee browse in some of the shops. Heather's just back from Soccer Aid and a few stories to tell one of which was particularly exciting; she quite literally bumped into Robbie Williams in the hotel elevator! How cool is that!? So it was really cool to hear all about everything happened! And of course we needed a HMV fix although we're a terrible influence on each! We could easily buy half of the shop between the pair of us! We also have certain mischievous routines that I can't really tell you about but put it this way; there's never a dull moment! We also paid a visit to Primark and three t-shirts with moons and dreamcatchers on them (surprise! surprise!) and a pair of boho inspired brown ankle boots later we left the store. And unfortunately, by that point it was time to head home to get a quick bite to eat before my tutor was due to arrive.
Anyway, I better go get ready for bed and attempt to get some sleep, I'll hopefully be back tomorrow with a proper daily blog for you. Today, I just wanted to briefly update you about my crazy week and why I haven't really been able to catch up on blogging. Anyway, I wish you all a good evening although it'll probably be at least midday before you actually read this!
Love & Peace,
The Hat Hippie xx