Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Memorable Moments of 2015!

Hello Hatters!
Happy New Year to each and every one of you out there! I really hope that 2016 will bring good things for and that overall, it'll be a great year for you!
2015 for me personally, was one incredible year and I think it'll be difficult to top it but I'll certainly give it a good shot! I started 2015 thinking it was going to be like any other year but little did I know what it held for me! In the space of 12 months so many amazing things have happened to me! The chances of a lot of what happened in 2015 actually happening were very slim; or so I thought anyway and having as many of them happen within such a small proximity of time was even more unexpected! It's been a very long time since I've had such an amazing year and thanks to it I've become so much more confident than I used to be and feel more positive about life in general! I am so excited to see what 2016 holds for me and hope that it also, will be full of amazing things for each and every one of you out there!
I thought that in today's post, I'd take the opportunity to look back on some of last year's best bits and celebrate them one more time before moving on to a new year and a new chapter! So here it goes:

1. Meeting Stevie Nicks & Mick Fleetwood from Fleetwood Mac
So this is by far the highlight of 2015 for me and I don't think I'll ever stop talking about that day back in June! Stevie Nicks as you'll already know, is one of my biggest inspirations/role models and I'd dreamt of meeting for a long time and thanks to the most amazing charity Ray's of Sunshine, my dream finally came true! 
My Mum sent an application to Ray's of Sunshine back in December 2014 in hope that they'd be able to help make my dream come true and they said they'd do their upmost to make it happen. And true to their word; they did just that! Fleetwood Mac announced they were coming to the UK on tour in 2015 and after attending one of their gigs in Glasgow, I was taken to the side of the stage with my parents to watch the final few songs and was then escorted upstairs to the band's dressing rooms where I spent a hour with Stevie Nicks chatting quite literally about everything and anything! During the time I spent with Stevie, a very tall Mick Fleetwood appeared in the doorway of Stevie's dressing and after being introduced to us, pulled a chair up beside us and spent ages chatting with us. Both Stevie and Mick worked their way through my pile of CDs and merch, signing them all for me and admiring my metallic sharpies. Both Stevie and Mick couldn't have been any sweeter!
I owe Stevie a huge Thank-You for all of the encouragement and advice she gave me that night! It has helped and inspired me in so many different ways and has helped me grow as a person and achieve more of my dreams! I love you Stevie!
Like I said, none of what happened would have been possible without my Mum spending the time that she did filling in the application forms which I am so grateful to her for! And of course the fabulous team at Ray's of Sunshine who actually arranged for it to happen! I am currently brainstorming fundraising ideas as I want to say a thank you to them for what they did for me and of course, help in some shape or form give other young people a magical experience just like the one I had!

2. Becoming a Radio Presenter
If you've been following The Hat Hippie since early 2015, you'll have followed my story of becoming a radio presenter at 3TFM. I'll not go into too much details but for those of you who don't know, I applied to volunteer at a particular radio station and was declined due to the lack of disabled access which is absolutely shocking in today's society but you all know my thoughts on disability discrimination and my previous blog posts discuss it in more detail. Anyway, I wrote a post about what happened and a lot of family, friends and readers got behind me, shared my post and helped me find 3TFM. At the same time, the Irvine Herald newspaper got in touch with my Mum and they also got in contact with 3TFM on my behalf and wrote a very supportive article about what had happened. 
Just a short period of time later, I joined the team at 3TFM, started my radio training and just a short period of time later I hosted my first ever show live on air! I now have my very own radio show every Thursday and I love it so much! If any of you would like to tune, I usually post the tune in link on my social media accounts so pop on over to them for more information!

3. I Started A YouTube Channel
I'm always looking for new avenues to venture, new skills to learn and ways in which I can develop my blog. Starting a YouTube channel is something I've considered doing for quite a while and I finally decided to sit down and film my first ever video. I spent ages editing it and eventually posted it and have made a bunch of videos since. Hopefully, there'll be lots more videos to come in future and that you'll all enjoy watching them as much as I enjoy creating them! 

4. Visiting Liverpool and Seeing Paul McCartney in Concert
These were two other big dreams of mine which I hoped to tick off the bucket list at some point in my life but little did I ever imagine that I'd combine the two! Seeing Liverpool was amazing! It's such a great city and everyone is so friendly and would do anything they possibly could to help you! Paul McCartney was incredible and exceeded my expectations despite the fact that everyone thinks his best days are behind him-I beg to differ! I am sitting here in my room absolutely bursting with pure excitement as I relieve the memories of seeing Paul live! Although, I don't think words can describe just how excited I was whilst there in person and I'm sure my Mum could testify to that! I certainly kept the ladies sitting on our right well entertained throughout the show and they just so happened to be the first people I saw when we got back to the hotel after the show (red face moment!).

5. Moving House
I'm writing this post in advance as I might not have internet for a few weeks and don't want to neglect my blog so I thought I better prepare in advance! But basically, by the time you read this my family and I will have moved house! So I'll have a nice new bedroom to my YouTube videos which is very exciting! I might even do a room tour video on my YouTube channel so stayed tuned!

6. Opening My Local Pharmacy
Some of you may have read my post a few weeks ago but I was asked by the staff in my local pharmacy who I've known since I was little if I'd come along and officially open their newly refurbished store. So of course I said yes! I'd never been asked to do something like that before and felt very touched and honoured that they'd asked me! So that was another highlight of 2015 for me!

Anyway, that was just a few of my exciting moments from 2015! It has been great to write about them here on my blog throughout the year and of course share the excitement with you all! Hopefully, there will be many more memorable moments to share with you in 2016, perhaps I'll even vlog some of them on YouTube-you never know! Here's to a great 2016!

Love, Peace & Best Wishes,
The Hat Hippie xx

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Christmas Craft Fair 2015

A few weeks ago, I attended a Christmas arts and craft fair in a small village just outside of Glasgow with my Mum, Gran and younger sister Laurel. We've been attending craft fairs in the village ever since I was just a little girl. Both my Mum and Gran have a stall each at the event selling handmade jewellery (Mum) and handbags (Gran). In recent years, both my sister and I have been running a stall on behalf of a friend of ours who helps out in the tea and coffee area. The lady we run the stall for paints some beautiful artwork and has then printed onto cards which she sells at the fair. Not only this but, she also allows me to sell cards with my photography work printed on them at her stall which I'm so grateful to her for!
I actually took a long a camera to the event in order to vlog my day but my laptop is currently broken due to wear and tear as I've had it for quite a few years which means I'm unable to edit the video footage and upload it to YouTube. My parents have agreed to replace it for me for Christmas so I'll get it edited and uploaded as soon as I possibly can. But until then, thank goodness for my iPod so I can still update my blog on it! My sister spent the day taking photographs on my behalf to post here on my blog so a huge thank-you to Laurel! I think she's actually considering starting her own blog/YouTube channel at some point so if she does I'll be sure to share it with you guys so that you can check it out!
Anyway, it was another early start for us and as I'm sure you'll have gathered by now; I'm not much of a morning person! But I just go with it and do my best to get ready without nodding off whilst eating breakfast! I flung everything I needed in my bag, made sure I had my camera with me for vlogging. And of course 'The Hat Hippie' was not going to attend a Christmas craft fair without looking the part and wearing a festive hat, so out came my Santa hat! I look forward to brining out my Santa hat every year, it brings back good memories of wearing it to primary school almost every single day in December on the lead up to Christmas.
On route to the fair we stopped by at my Grandparent's house to pick up my Gran and all of the bits n' bobs that we needed for the fair which were stored at her house. Once the car was all packed we were off and on our way. My Granddad made my Mum a small tree to display some of her jewellery on, so my sister and I spent the journey trying to keep it still as every time the card stopped or pulled round a corner it sprung forward-that was fun and games! But it certainly get us on our toes and woke me up a little!
Before long we arrived at the community hall and hauled our stuff inside, found our tables for the day and began to set up. My sister and I met up with the lady we were taking care of a stall for and got the information we needed such as how much everything was to be sold for and how the cards were to be displayed. Once we knew exactly what we were doing we got to work and started setting up the table and creating a display of cards which I really enjoy as I get to have a look through the cards which are so pretty! I also popped out a range of my own cards with some of the photography that I'd been working on all year printed on them.
No sooner than all the bits n' pieces were out on the table a flow of people began to come through the doors and became busier and busier as time went on. I love craft fairs as it always nice to catch up with familiar faces who return every single year and of course meet new people too! Everyone is so lovely and are always so interested and enthusiastic about the artwork and very encouraging towards someone like me who is fairly new to it all.
So we spent the day chatting with people, munching on the bag of snacks we'd brought along to keep us going throughout the day, (you really need them to keep you going!) selling handmade arts and crafts and in my case attempt to vlog without looking like a right weirdo! It's hard work trying to hold a camera in front of your face without receiving funny looks from other people, although I think I did pretty well considering how busy it was! I also tried out my new Polaroid cube camera (I have a ton of video ideas that I'm going to use it to create) which is absolutely tiny which helped make it not seem as obvious. Anyway, I'll try get the video edited and uploaded as soon as I find a working laptop as mine decided it's time was up-goodbye old fella! I'll miss you!
As three o'clock approached everyone began to pack up their stalls as it was almost time to make our way back home again. We packed up the stall fairly quickly as well as our own personal belongings. My sister went and found the lady we'd been taking care of the stall for and got her car keys so that she could begin taking stuff outside and packing up her car.
On my way out to our car I got to have a hug from another of the crafter's (who I've known for years gorgeous) Spaniel named Daisy. Daisy is such a lovely and friendly dog who we all adore and look forward to seeing every year at the fair. Once we were all bundled up in the heaving car we drove back to the town my Gran lives in and picked up some Chinese takeout for dinner. The food they make in the local Chinese takeaway where my Gran and Granddad lives is absolutely delicious! I always love when my Grandparents suggest ordering it for dinner!
Anyway, enough about food! The craft fair was yet another lovely event and the perfect excuse to give my Santa hat its first airing this year! Below, are a selection of the photographs that my sister, Laurel took so I hope you enjoy having a look through them! Hopefully, I'll get the vlog edited at some point soon so keep an eye on my YouTube channel and social media accounts in order to be the first to see it! 

A Few Extra Pics Of The Fair

This is Willie, the gentleman who used to work tirelessly to arrange the craft fairs and made sure everything ran smoothly. His daughter, Elaine now organises the fairs which are always so lovely to attend!

The Card Display

Some of the cards on the stall
Working hard
My lovely Mum & Gran
Little Old Me!


Friday, 11 December 2015

Top 10 Christmas Songs

In today's post, I will be collaborating alongside a fellow teen blogger; the lovely Geraldine from "Geraldine's Wonderful World"! We both wanted to get into the Christmas spirit and create a post to tell you about our favourite Christmas songs and share any special memories that they might bring back and generally, why we love them so much. So click here to pop on over to Geraldine's lovely blog and read all about her all-time favourite Christmas songs! I for one, am very excited to check them out and enjoy listening to them!
I hope this post leaves you feeling full of Christmas cheer and that listening to these amazing tunes bring back some special memories for each and everyone of you out there! So where shall I begin?

1. "Wonderful Christmastime" by Paul McCartney

Wonderful Christmas time by Paul McCartney is most definitely my all-time favourite song! Every time I hear it, I instantly feel extremely festive and can't help but smile and sing along (very badly and very out of tune might I add!). Wonderful Christmas time always brings back happy memories of going with my family or school to the Christmas pantomime at my local theatre every year. As we were being seated inside the theatre and were waiting for the show to begin, a playlist of Christmas songs filled the room and for whatever reason out of all the songs that were played, Wonderful Christmas time is the song that always brings back fun and exciting memories of the pantomimes! Pantomimes are one of my very favourite parts of Christmas; they are always so much fun and have me in heaps of laughter! So this song really makes me feel happy and very festive! And of course, to top it all off, Paul McCartney was a member of one of my very favourite bands The Beatles-although I had no idea it actually his song until I started properly listening to The Beatles and Paul's solo catalogue a good few years ago.

2. "Christmas Wrapping" by The Waitresses

I first heard Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses back in 2007 in when I went to see what would become one of my very favourite Christmas movies "Fred Claus" in the cinema with my sister and Dad. I really loved the song back then and still do to this day! (otherwise it wouldn't have be included in this list!) Every time I watch Fred Claus now, I spend the entire film waiting for this song to play during the scene where Fred is flying in Santa's sleigh, delivering presents all around the world. I don't really know why but it gives me an absolute buzz to hear that song and to watch that paticular scene!

3. "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" by Michael Jackson

I was a huge Michael Jackson fan when I was younger and still love his music to this day. I remember coming across the Jackson 5's Christmas album on iTunes for this time and downloading it in the middle of July as it was only 79p which was a real bargain! Eventually, I came across the physical copy of the album in HMV when I was around 11 or 12 and decided to buy it too. I think the song Santa Claus is Coming to Town is a favourite of almost every child and as we grow older it still holds a special place in our hearts. There are so many different versions out there and I have to say I really love them all but Michael Jackson's version which he recorded as child has always been a firm favourite!

4. "Happy Xmas (The War Is Over)" by John Lennon & The Plastic Ono Band

Every year at Christmas when I was younger, my Mum and Gran used to attend a craft fair inside the most beautiful castle in the middle of a country park not so far from where we live. The craft fair was usually held over the weekend and it is by far one of my favourite Christmas memories. We used to get up really early in the morning to get there to set up and usually my Mum and Gran's stalls were in the first room next to entrance so it was pretty cold I must admit yet, at the same time there was something pretty comforting about the crisp, Winter morning outside. We sometimes bought homemade soup from a small food stall outside to heat us up and by the time we left at night it was really dark outside. I love when it's dark outside around Christmas time-it's so atmospheric particularly on the grounds of castle! I know it may sound strange but that for me, brought the magic of Christmas alive. Anyway, the long and the short of what I'm trying to say is that throughout the day, they used to play a compilation CD filled with Christmas hits and I remember that this particular song was played over and over again throughout the day. It was played so much that it began to freeze which became a little annoying after a while hearing the same lyrics repeated a million times. Nevertheless I still really love this song!

5. "Fairytale of New York" by The Pogues and Kirsty McColl

This is yet another Christmas classic loved by so many including me. I love the folk vibe within this song, it's so upbeat and cheery that you just can't help but smile when listening to it! So why not sit back, brighten your day and enjoy listening to another of my Christmas favourites!

6. "Do They Know It's Christmas?" by Band Aid

This song is an absolute Christmas classic filled with the voices of some incredible artists who all came together for an amazing cause! Do They Know It's Christmas? has been recorded on a handful of occasions over the years in aid of different causes, the most recent one of which was recorded almost a year ago to date to raise money in aid of the fight against the deadly disease Ebola. The latest recording saw some of the most popular artists of today's music industry including One Direction, Ellie Goulding, Ed Sheeran and even some of my favourite YouTube sensations; Zoella, Joe Sugg and Alfie Deyes. And of course there was also the appearances from Bono, Rodger Taylor and the gentlemen who made it all happen Bob Geldof and Midge Ure! My favourite out of the 3 recordings however, has to be the original as it's a classic but overall; they're all great!

7. "I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday" by Wizzard

This is yet another Christmas classic that to be honest with you, I don't really have a particular memory of it to share with you but I just had to include it in my list as it is definitely a favourite of mine! It never fails to make me smile and I just can't help but sing along to it! Let's face it; it wouldn't really be Christmas without hearing this song! And of course this video is great fun to watch!

8."White Christmas" by Bing Crosby

I couldn't not add the all-time classic to my list, I absolutely love the film and actually went to see an amateur production of White Christmas at my local theatre just last month. I may or may not have sung along to the lyrics much to my Mum and Sister's amusement during that iconic scene at the end of the show. Yes, that spectacular scene at the end where the cast all come out dressed in their red Christmassy outfits! Well, I couldn't help but sing along! It just sort of slipped out my mouth without thinking!

9. "Walking In The Air" from the Snowman

Walking In The Air reminds me so much of being little and watching The Snowman every single year on Christmas Eve. It's became a bit of a tradition for me as I cannot go a single Christmas without watching The Snow as well as the sequel released back in 2012, The Snowman and The Snow Dog which is  also such a sweet film! I spend the entire film oohing and ahhing at the little dog made out of snow wishing it was real-I'm such a big kid at times!

10. "Merry Christmas Everybody" by Slade

Merry Christmas Everybody by Slade brings back good memories of going to the local Christmas light switch every single year in town. This cheery and upbeat song is always played immediately after the lights were officially switched and everyone just can't help but smile and sing along! So go watch the video and don't forget to sing along!

Seeing as it's Christmas, I thought I'd be extra generous and throw in an extra song for you guys to check out!

11. "Silent Night" by Stevie Nicks

Now, I didn't even know that Stevie Nicks had record a cover of Silent Night up until just a couple of years ago. Silent Night is a beautiful song anyway, but hearing one of my all-time favourite singers, the beautiful Stevie Nicks singing it makes it all the more special.

Saturday, 5 December 2015

The Other Side Of Christmas

If you've been following my blog since I started it over a year ago, you may remember a post I wrote about meeting James Bowen and Street Cat Bob when they visited Glasgow to sign copies of James latest book "A Gift From Bob". The book was written about James' life living on the streets during the Christmas period before he met Bob. It also focuses on one particularly cold and snowy December in London back in 2010. I wanted to write a few festive blog posts throughout the month of December and where Christmas is supposed to be the season of goodwill and joy to all men; there is another side which is often forgotten about by each and every one of us. So in today's post I'd really like to highlight that side of Christmas and bring it to everyone's attention.
Whilst we are all curled up in front of the Christmas tree in the warmth of our homes, there are thousands of people roaming the streets with nowhere to go and no place to call home. I'd been planning to write about this subject for a little while now as it's something I'm very passionate about. Coincidently, whilst watching TV the other day I saw an advertisment for a documentary on being homeless at Christmas and it actually made me think about this subject all the more. So I decided to sit down and actually write a bit about it. 
If you've read my previous post about James and Bob you'll know a little bit about them and how I first discovered them but just to briefly fill you in; James Bowen was once a drug addict (now recovered) who for a period of time (prior to meeting Bob) lived on the streets of London. He met Bob, a gorgeous ginger Tom cat at what I'm sure was a very difficult time in his life. James found Bob on a neighbour's door step so presuming he belonged to one of his neighbours gave Bob a stroke, said 'Hello' and walked on by. Noticing that Bob was injured, James realised the little cat must have been a stray so decided to help him out and nurse him back to health. Once Bob's injury had healed and no longer showed any sign of infection, James sent Bob on his way. However, as James set out on his way to busk in Convent Garden, the little cat followed him onto the bus and sat down on the seat beside him-pretty unbelievable! 
Before long James and Bob were inseparable and little Bob began to turn James' life around leading to James taking the final step to come off of the methadone programme. One day, James was approached by a lady he often spoke to whilst selling copies of the Big Issue and was asked to write a book about his life with Bob and well; the rest was history really!
He's since released a number books; some of which are for older readers, some suited to younger readers and even children's picture books. One of his most recent books, takes place during a particularly cold winter that hit Britain back in 2010. A Gift From Bob really touched me in a way that very few books have ever done before. If I remember right, I'm pretty sure this was James and Bob's last Christmas living it rough before his first book was written and released. Money was tight meaning that it was difficult to afford to pay for heating and electricy forcing James to go out in the freezing tempratures which caused him to on ice slip and injure his leg. Yet, he still had to brave the cold weather as well as the pain in his leg to busk as well as selling copies of the Big Issue in order to make just enough money to get by and take care of both himself and Bob. Around this time, James saw a few things which brought back what I'm sure were painful memories of his time living on the streets.
I don't want to write too much about the book as you guys really need to go out, purchase a copy and read it for yourselves but there is a point I want to make through writing today's post. Reading James' book about Christmas on the streets and how Bob the cat changed his life really opened my eyes and made me think. As you know, I've spent alot of time in London throughout my life having treatment in hospital and attending medical appointments. Due to this I've spent alot of time with my family walking through the streets of London. From a young age I've seen alot of people sleeping in cardboard boxes outside in the streets at all times in the year. Some of these people were young children and it was absolutely heartbreaking to witness. My parents always took us into the nearest coffee shop/McDonalds and ordered coffee and a muffin/pastry or somethling like that and gave it to some of the people sitting outside/sleeping in the streets. Sadly, we can't change their situation as much as I wish I could right there and then but, at the very least we can give them something warm in order to help heat them up and keep them going throughout the day.
London is a very lonely place at times and I for one have had first hand experience of just how unfriendly a place it can sometimes be. It's difficult to get to know anyone and due to how big a place it is makes it all the more difficult to even recognise someone's face. Despite this, I was actually taken aback with the kindness of people mentioned in the book and to be honest it helped restore my faith in humanity. Reading James' experiences during the Christmas period in London gave me that warm and fuzzy feeling inside. I felt touched by his story and I'm so pleased to see that James' life has turned upside down and that he is now able to help others who are in similar situations. At his book signing that I attended last year, James invited a gentleman who'd been selling The Big Issue outside the shop to come inside and sell copies of the magazine to those waiting in the signing queue. He was such a friendly gentleman and the support he recieved from James and all of his readers evidently meant the world to him.
Both reading James' book as well as seeing the look upon people's faces when you hand them as simple a thing as a cup of coffee and a pack of mini muffins makes you realise that it's the small things in life that really count. Perhaps we should all take a step back from the craziness of our lives every now and then and consider just how lucky we really are! What we often forget is that none of us know what the future beholds for us; any one of us could easily encounter difficult times . "A Gift From Bob" is such a positive yet very touching book which certainly made me think and feel grateful for the live I have. Yes, life isn't easy and i've encountered my own fair share of problems but at the same time I'm one very blessed girl. 
So this Christmas please spare a thought to all the people out there who aren't as fortunate as us. If you walk by someone on the streets pop into the nearest coffee shop and buy them a hot chocolate. Or even just spare them a smile and wish them a merry Christmas as you pass on by; that one smile might just be what they needed to brighten their day! 

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Song of the Month November 2015

I thought I'd add a new monthly feature to my blog which is a song of the month, so I'll pick a song that's stood out to me, I've recently discovered or an oldie that I absolutely love and want to share with everyone. Its not going to be a long post but I thought it would be a fun addition to my blog and a good excuse to listen to some music! I'll try my best and post a new song for you guys to check out once every single month. Anyway, let's get started with November's song of the month!
I'm very happy to announce that November's song of the month is "When I Was A Boy" by Jeff Lynne's ELO (Electric Light Orchestra). I previously mentioned this song in a blog post a few weeks ago saying just how much it reminded me of Golden Slumbers by The Beatles and since then I've heard it played more and more frequently on the radio. I instantly liked this song that very first time I heard it played live on the Chris Evans' Breakfast Show and just a few weeks later, I love it all the more!
When I Was A Boy is the first track on ELO's new album Alone in the Universe which was released earlier this month and just so happened to be their first album in almost fifteen years!  It's a great song and a great first single from the album! I really hope that you'll love When I Was A Boy as much as I do and will perhaps go check out the entire album, which also sounds great by the way! So what are you waiting for?! Go check it out right now!!!

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Moving House!

I thought I'd share some exciting news with you all and that is that my family and I are moving house! We saw inside our new house for the first time last week and received our keys yesterday morning. So as we speak my family are currently up at the new house as a gentlemen is coming to measure the windows to have blinds fitted. I haven't been feeling particularly great these past few days with my pain so decided that rather than trek out with them in the cold and rainy weather, I'd stay at home where it's warm and avoid making my pain any worse. I thought I'd make great use of the time I have and update you guys with what's been happening. 
My parents ordered the flooring for our new house the other day and it was delivered yesterday just after they picked up the keys, so the joiner started fitting the flooring this morning and hopefully that'll be finished in a couple of days. There's still things like ordering a new oven as well as ordering new beds for my sister and I's bedrooms still to be done in the next few days or so but its all very exciting! At the moment I think we're hoping to move in properly sometime next week which I'm delighted about!
We currently live in a flat where my sister and I share a bedroom and the shower room is pretty small with a step up into the shower which is not good for me as I loose my balance very easily nowadays. Our new house has a fabulous wet room as well as a bedroom downstairs suited to me. There's also a separate bedroom upstairs for my sister meaning that we no longer have to share! All the rooms downstairs have wide doors which means if my pain levels ar really bad, I can use my wheelchair to get around inside the house and overall become a little more independent.
I've spent the last year or perhaps even longer picking up bits and pieces for my new bedroom in hope that we'd be moving house at some point in the not so distant future. Intially, I had intended to go for a black and white, 1950s hollywood glamour inspired room as I'm obsessed with old actors and actresses like Audrey Hepburn but decided to change the theme. I'm now opting for a bohemian inspired bedroom which as you all can probably imagine is right up my street! Although, I've managed to incorporate a lot of the black and white things that I previously purchased because when it comes to bohemian things; anything goes! So be warned; expect a few bedroom decorating YouTube videos/blog posts coming up in future!
Apart from packing up the house lately, I've been working hard at preparing a bunch of blog posts for the next few weeks as I might not have internet access for a little while until everything is up and running at our new place. I'll use not having internet as an excuse to get my Mum to take me into town for a coffee and cake at one of the cafes with free wifi so I can pop on here and keep in touch with you lovely people. But like I said, I've prepared a bunch of posts in advance and have got them schedule to post automatically so make sure to pop back from time to time to check them out as I might not be able to share them on my social media accounts until a few days after they've went live. 
Anyway, I'll still be around for a little while and will make sure there's plenty still happening in the crazy world of The Hat Hippie! So keep on reading!
But until next time,

Love, Peace & Best Wishes,
The Hat Hippie xx

Friday, 20 November 2015

Saying Goodbye to Jukebox Rhapsody!

Hello again!
Firstly, I hope you're all doing well and that life is treating you good! I just wanted to share with you all something I've been considering doing for a little while now. As you'll probably have gathered, I'm always looking for ways in which I can improve and develop my blog in order to make it the best that it can possibly be! That of course brings me to my announcement; I have decided to bring my music blog Jukebox Rhapsody to a close and instead, combine it with my main blog; this blog. 
By doing this, I will hopefully be able to focus on maintaining this blog on what I hope will become a more frequent basis. Not only this, I hope that I will be able to spend more time building my YouTube channel and allow that to grow in the coming weeks and months. I still intend on writing about concerts I've been to, album reviews and anything else that comes to mind to do with music but instead of posting it on Jukebox Rhapsody, I'll post it here on The Hat Hippie
I still intend on keeping Jukebox Rhapsody open to the public so if anyone wants to check out any of the posts I've written in the past; the opportunity's still there to do so. And of course, it's also nice for me to go back every now and then to relive all of my amazing concert memories from this past year that I've written about over on Jukebox Rhapsody!
I've had great fun creating and working on my music blog since I started it at the beginning of the year but after much thought and consideration, I feel sure that this is the right step for me take. It'll allow me to give my full attention to The Hat Hippie blog, it's accompanying YouTube channel and all that is yet to come in the future. I have lots of ideas and am very excited to start exploring and sharing them with each and every one of you out there. So stayed tuned!
Finally, I want to take the time to say a huge" Thank-you!" for continuing to support and read all of my blog posts over the past year! I really hope that you'll continue to enjoy what I write in future and continue to pop back and visit my blog from time to time to see what's new in the weird and wacky world of The Hat Hippie! 

But until then, I send you all my love, peace and best wishes, 
The Hat Hippie xxx

Thursday, 12 November 2015

1 Year of The Hat Hippie

Hello Everyone!
Today marks exactly an entire year since I posted my very first blog post here on The Hat Hippie and I thought I'd write a little post in order to celebrate! I can't quite believe it's been a year since I clicked published on my very first post on the 12th November 2014. If you're new to my blog and would like to read my very first post click here and if like me, you've been here since the beginning why not go read it all over again!?
It's certainly be an exciting and eventful year since I first started my blog! On reflection, I can't quite believe all the amazing things that has happened this past year and I'm so glad that I decided to create it when I did. Had I not, I wouldn't necessarily have had a way of looking back and reliving all those memories that I've made. For me, it's amazing to think how much I've grown as both a person and in confidence during the past 12 months and I'm so proud of all the things I've managed to achieved!
Some of my biggest dreams have been made a reality this past year; it's been a long battle over the years with my health and it was nice to finally have some good things happen for once! In such a short period of time, I've met some lovely people who have truly inspired me in many different aspects of life and I'm such a lucky girl to know and have met all of these people!
My dream of being a radio presenter finally came true and I currently have a weekly show on a Thursday afternoon which is the best thing ever! I've learned so much during my time at the station, had some good laughs and of course, have enjoyed playing some great music and hosting a show! There's still ALOT for me to learn but just like living life, I learn new things each and everyday! So a huge thank-you to everyone at 3TFM for having me on board and making me so welcome! I really appreciate it!
A huge thank-you to all my close family and friends for the love, support and encouragement you've given me throughout my entire life! I don't know where'd I'd be without it! I want to say a huge Thank-you to my Mum in particular who is my hero and biggest inspiration! Without her I wouldn't have the confidence or oomph to do everything I've done. She's always there for me whenever I need a hug or some encouragement! Words cannot describe just how much I love you, Mum! Thank-you for all that you do!
Finally, I want to say a huge "Thank-You!" to you, my lovely readers, my amazing friends! Every time I click publish on a new post, it's so lovely to receive all the lovely comments and messages you send me! They put a big smile on my face and encourage me to work hard and fight for what I believe in! Your support throughout this past year has been absolutely incredible! You all never fail to brighten my day and I hope that I can bring a little light or cheer to your day in some shape or form!
Really!? A whole year of "The Hat Hippie"!? How, did that even happen!? It's certainly been one incredible year and I can't help but wonder what this next year will bring? I suppose I'll just have to take each day as they come and watch the year unfold and I hope you'll all continue to join me on the journey!
But until then, keep dreaming!
Lots of Love, Peace and Best Wishes,
The Hat Hippie xxx

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Opening My Local Pharmacy!

Hello Out There!
Just over a week ago I was asked to do something very exciting, something that I never expected to do at 17 years old yet alone as an adult. It really hit home to me just how cool this was when I read an article about Ed Sheeran doing something similar the day before. So that pretty much says it all doesn't it!?
Anyway, I was asked by the staff in my local pharmacy if I'd come along and open their newly refurbished store. Without a doubt I said yes! The staff in the pharmacy have known me since I was just a little girl and helped me out a lot throughout the years during the times that I've endured numerous operations and treatment. They're such a lovely bunch of people and have always put a big smile on my face no matter how miserable I've felt with pain, recovering from surgery and attending medical appointments. I really don't think they realise just how much of an impact they have had in my life. So as you can imagine, it was a huge honour to actually be asked to take part in this event!
I thought rather than writing a huge post like I normally do, I'd write a brief post and share some of the photographs that my Mum took on my behalf to show you guys. The local newspaper was actually there to take some photos when I cut the ribbon, officially opening the shop; so that was exciting! The photo was actually in latest edition of the local newspaper so I'll try and take a photo of it and might pop it up on my Facebook page for those of you who'd like to see it.
At the opening, there was a buffet filled lots of yummy food for us all to help ourselves to which was lovely! They even surprised me with a huge bouquet of gorgeous flowers and a lovely present which was so sweet and unexpected! So a huge thank-you to the everyone at my local Lloyd's Pharmacy! You seriously have no idea just how much it meant to me!
Below, I have attached some of the photos taken at the event so I hope you enjoy taking a look through them all!
Having photos taken for the newspaper
A wee close up
Karen and I
Such a beautiful bouquet of flowers they surprised me with!
I know this was a shorter post than usual but I just wanted to share another of my latest adventures with you and of course it's nice for me to pop back in future and look back on all of these lovely memories! Anyway, I hope you're all doing good and that life is treating you well! I promise I'll be back again very soon with another new blog post so make sure to pop back in the not so distant future!
Until then I send you all my love, peace & best wishes,
The Hat Hippie xxx

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

The Day I Met Joe Sugg!

Last Saturday, the 24th October I finally met one of my all-time favourite YouTubers, Joe Sugg also known as Thatcher Joe. Joe has recently published his very first book Username: Evie and has embarked on a UK tour to promote it and meet some of his millions of subscribers in a range of cities up and down the country. Last month, I was one of the lucky few to fight my way through the mad internet rush in hope of getting tickets for my sister and I to meet Joe during his tour. Somehow, I managed to get on to Ticketmaster and before I knew it; I had received an email notification to confirm that I'd successfully managed to book tickets to meet Joe Sugg-brilliant!
The month flew in pretty quickly and before I know it the day had arrived! We were going to meet Joe Sugg! Despite it being the weekend, it was a fairly early morning for us so that we could pick up my Grandparents who were accompanying us on the journey to Glasgow and get there in time for the signing to begin as we didn't fancy being at the very end of it to be completely honest! So I flung a mug of chicken noodle soup down my throat, (strange breakfast, I know) got dressed, covered up my ghostly face with a layer of makeup before flinging on my Dr Martens and one of my many hats. And I was ready to rock and roll!
I've created a short vlog which I've posted on my YouTube channel which you can view via the link at the bottom of this page and see more of what happened, but I thought I'd give you a brief account of the event anyway. The video is nowhere near perfect as I have so much to learn but I certainly enjoyed creating it and I hope you enjoy watching it!
We arrived at the St. Enoch Centre where the signing was being held and already, there was a large queue of people waiting despite the fact that there was still around a hour and twenty minutes (something like that) until the event was due to begin. So we followed the line down the shopping centre until we reached the end which constantly seemed to be growing longer as more and more people joined it. Around ten or twenty minutes later, we were approached by a member of security who asked us to come with him. So we followed him to the very front of the queue where he opened up a separate area designated to people with mobility/or health problems and cannot stand for any length of time in a long queue.
As we stood waiting, I kept refreshing my social media pages in hope of any updates from Joe to pass time as we waited. After a while, my iPod decided that it no longer wanted to cooperate with me and that it didn't want to connect to the WiFi. Thanks mate! It was around this time that I heard people in front of me mention that Joe had just posted a video of the queue from the floor above us on Snapchat. Surprisingly, no one seemed to have spotted him but word spread like wildfire and it became a little trickier for Joe to film sneaky videos of the crowd.
Our tickets were soon scanned and each ticketholder was finally handed a pre-signed copy of Joe's book Username: Evie. Seconds later, one of the security guards began ushering some of us into a room which was set up for Joe's meet n' greet. This was probably the first Youtuber even that I've attended that actually went smoothly. On previous occassions, there was always a problem in some shape or form because of my wheelchair. So I was impressed with how this was handled at this particular event. Aproaching one o'clock, Joe showed face, again from the balcony vlogging everyone waiting downstairs. As you can imagine and will be able to hear in my video, the room was filled with loud screams of excitement. So, a word of warning to you in advance; don't put your volume up too high whilst watching the video!
Seconds later, a door on the left hand side of the room opened as a few people stepped out into the room followed by Joe Sugg with his camera in hand, vlogging us as he entered. I'm extremely excited to watch his Glasgow vlog in hope that I might be able to spot myself. I mean, how cool would that be?! As soon as everyone caught glimpse of Joe, the room erupted in excited screams-what a welcome!
No sooner than Joe was standing behind the screen, the first girl was called up to meet him followed by her friend and then me. I stood beside the screen waiting for my turn and was then waved over by one of the security guards to let me know that it was my turn to meet Joe. So I followed his lead and walked behind the screen where Joe was standing right there in front of me. It all happened pretty quickly as they was a thousand people waiting to meet Joe. I said hello to Joe, got a wee hug and one of the many security guards offered to take a photograph for me which made life so much easier for me as I have the world's shakiest hand thanks to my CRPS. So Joe and I posed for a photo which actually turned out pretty well I have to say and the security guard handed me iPod with an image of Joe and I showing on the screen. I thanked him for doing the honours and of course said thanks to Joe as well. Just as I was heading out to find my Mum, it hit me that I hadn't said goodbye. So quickly I turned round and said goodbye to Joe before making my way back over to Mum. And the moment was over. Obviously, I didn't get to chat with Joe for too long but he came across as very sweet and genuine person.
After my sister, Laurel had met with Joe we made our way out of the ST. Enoch Centre and met back up with my Grandparents. Mum and Laurel popped into Lush in Buchannan Street to pick up a few bits n' bobs whilst I waited outside with my Gran and Grandad trying to conncet to the city Wi-Fi to post up my photo. As I scrolled through my social media accounts I noticed that there was still wristbands left for another meet n greet with Joe and his friend, roommate and fellow YouTuber Caspar Lee in December when they are visiting Glasgow to sign copies of their new DVD "Joe and Caspar Hit The Road". Now, I don't have the world's best sense of direction but I was pretty sure that Argyle Street wasn't too far away and it turns out I was right. After asking my Gran where exactly it was, I realised it was literally just a little further down the path from where we were standing. 'Perfect!' I thought, that would make the perfect Christmas gift for Laurel. So after a bite to eat and a refreshment from Costa, Mum and Laurel popped round to HMV in hope that the wristbands wouldn't have sold out. During this time I sat in Costa with my Grandparents, constantly refreshing the HMV Argyle Street twitter feed keeping up to date with just how many were left. A little while later Mum and Laurel reappeared with the good news that they'd managed to get hold of two tickets/wristbands despite the fact that all of Joe and Caspar's fans were beginning to flock the store after Joe's signing. So we were pretty fortunate I must say! And of course, that's one Christmas gift off the list!
It was absolutely freezing in Glasgow and the sky was filled with icy rain so it was fair to say that we didn't hang around for too long. Instead, we headed back home to my Grandparent's house and tucked into some delicious Chinese takeout before we made our way back home to watch the X Factor on TV. I had a brilliant day and am very excited to meet Joe again and of course meet Caspar for the first time in December, perhaps I might even vlog the occasion again! But in the meantime, I hope you enjoyed this post and the vlog I filmed to go along with it. It is nowhere near perfect but I certainly had a lot of fun creating and will enjoy watching it in future!


Monday, 19 October 2015

I Have Finally Joined YouTube!

Hello Folks!

I just wanted to let you all know that I've finally created a YouTube channel and have posted my very first video! Please check it out, give the video a thumbs up if you enjoyed, subscribe to get notifications every time I post a video up on my channel and finally, make sure to share it with your lovely friends! Before I go I just wanted to tell you that I have something very exciting happening this coming week so make sure to pop back soon to hear all about it! 
A huge Thank-You to each and every one of you for all of the support! Words cannot describe just how much I appreciate it! 

Until next time i send you all my love and best wishes! 
The Hat Hippie xxx

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Hospitals & A Bad CRPS Flare

It's been an eventful few weeks since I last posted here on my blog and you may have noticed that I mentioned on my Facebook page that my knee has been playing up lately, causing me quite a bit of pain and discomfort. Despite giving it plenty of rest and keeping it elevated as much as I possibly could, it didn't seem to improve any. In fact, it probably got worse if anything.
So after feeling pretty miserable all weekend it was off to the doctors surgery on the Monday morning to see my GP. We are pretty fortunate when it comes to our doctors surgery as they'll always do their best to fit you in as soon as they possibly can and last Monday was no exception. They managed to fit me in that morning roughly just an hour and a half after Mum called that morning. That's almost unheard of in today's society!
So after a shorter than usual tutoring session that morning, my Mum and I made our way across town to the surgery listening to the radio as we went.  Listening to the radio is by far one of my favourite past times and is great when going to a medical appointment as it helps divert my mind from worrying about it. After attending so many hospital appointments throughout the years, you'd think it wouldn't bother me too much, but for whatever reason I still get quite worked up about going for one.
Anyway, we arrived in the surgery car park just as they were playing the new ELO song which actually reminded me a little of another song. We were a little early so we sat in the car for a further ten minutes or so, which was much better than sitting in a waiting room, whilst I sat there deliberating what song it reminded me of. Then it hit me! It sounded like Golden Slumbers by The Beatles (my favourite band-in case you didn't know!) I quickly pulled out my iPod and started playing Golden Slumbers to compare the two songs. My poor Mum must get sick and tired of me having mad, geeky moments about music-she has the patience of a saint to listen to me rambling on all day long! But in all seriousness, go look up the two songs and have a listen! I mean it might just be me, but that's exactly what it reminded me of. Oops, I've just realised that I went off track enthusing about music (again!) Sorry folks!
Inside the surgery we spent a further twenty minutes or so waiting to be seen as it was extremely busy and they were running a little late. There really wasn't a need to complain though, as these things happen and they were good enough to actually fit me in at the last minute. After twenty minutes of watching I don't know how many different faces come and go and for me, counting the faded outlines of squares on the carpet (the things you do to past time), my name was finally called.
After explaining to the doctor what was going on with my knee, he gave it an examination, asking me questions about my most recent visit to hospital and what motions they used when examining my knee as that was really when my knee began flaring up. Apparently, the motion they used in hospital, which almost looked like they were popping my knee out of place and back in again, was actually to test the ligaments that had been created during my knee surgery back in 2011. I was told to rest my leg just like I had been doing and was prescribed yet more pain killers.
By Wednesday, my pain levels had grown worse and I spent the day in bed and for a little while in the afternoon curled up on the sofa feeling absolutely miserable. This was probably the worse my pain had been for a while. It was at the point that it had me in tears so that said a lot. My Mum decided to get in contact with the hospital and managed to get in contact with my pain management consultant's secretary who arranged for me to see both my pain management consultant and my othopedic consultant the following day which we were so grateful for them arranging.
So the next morning it was a 6:30am rise for us in order to get there in time. Quickly, we ate a spot of breakfast, got dressed and were out of the door before we knew it. On route to hospital, we picked up my Grandparents and hit the motorway in the morning rush. Fortunately, we managed to make it in time for my appointment.
After finding out where exactly to go for my appointment, (no one seems to know where exactly anything is in the new hospital) we were then told by a receptionist that my consultants had been called to theatre and they had no idea how long they'd be. Mum and I decided that we'd go get a coffee from the hospital coffee shop when we bumped into my orthopedic consultant on route. It turns out that he hadn't been called to theatre afterall, so we followed him to the plaster room where he had a look at my knee and decided to send me for an X-ray. It had been a good two or three years since I last had one actually. We were sent through what was like a secret corridor which led to X-ray department and let the receptionist know that I was there. After a fairly short wait, I was escorted through to the X-Ray room by a student radiographer who said that I'd been the most stylish person to step through their doors that week if not ever. Yes, even on a hospital visit, I still manage to wear one of my hats and a pair of Dr Marten boots because let's face it; it just wouldn't be me without them! But anyway, it was a nice compliment!
The radiographers who  took care of me that day were extremely lovely which makes a  huge difference! Some of my last X-rays were taken at an adult's hospitals and they barely uttered a single word to me and didn't even bothered to crack a smile-is it really that much to ask?! I mean, I was only about 13 or 14 at the time!
After being made to bend my knee in a variety of awkward positions, standing as still as I possibly could, the radiographers were satisfied with the images and sent me back through to the plaster room to find my pain management consultant dressed in his blue theatre gowns. He had to take a quick phone call, so my orthopedic consultant had a look at my X-Rays which thankfully looked normal. Although when it comes to my leg "normal"  is completely different to the average person's leg.
The long and the short of it was that last time I saw my consultant, which was around a month or so ago, whilst he was examining my knee, my fibula may have knocked against one of my nerves and upset things after it being moved around as much. There isn't much holding my knee together meaning that everything is kind of floating around, hence why my fibula could have hit against one of the nerves. There's isn't anything that they can really do to fix this so he suggested that I keep my leg well rested and that I wear a splint as much as I can over the next few weeks to keep things secure. So as one of his fellows ordered the splint, he popped out to go collect it.
During this time, my pain management consultant returned and asked me about what had happened over the past few weeks with my knee. I explained the situation to him and he also suggested me wearing splint on my knee. So everyone had a wee laugh about how two great minds think alike when my other consultant returned. I had to sit on one of the hospital beds as they fitted the splint which is extremely heavy and makes me feel like a robot, but I'll ride the storm and put up with it in hope that it'll help. Since I was there my pain management consultant also gave me a course of acupuncture in hope that it would help with my pain. Obviously, I wasn't able to see what he was doing as I had to lie on my side, but apparently my consultant used a lot more needles than he'd previously used when I had acupuncture.
So I was eventually sent home to rest my knee and to try out the knee splint for the next few weeks. I am most definitely not a fan of it as it's so heavy, however Ive got to do what I've got to do.
Anyway, I shall go for now but until next time I send you all lots of love and best wishes!
-The Hat Hippie xx

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

My Advice to CRPS Sufferers

Today, I thought I'd share my advice for other people out there who, like me suffer from CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome). As you probably know already from reading my previous posts, I've suffered from this condition since undergoing knee pioneering surgery back in 2011 and was finally diagnosed with the condition in early 2013 by which point it was too late to actually attempt to cure the condition. 
I was just 12 years old when I had my knee surgery and at just 14 years old  I was diagnosed with CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) so I guess I was pretty young and I still am in many respects. As I write this I sit cuddled up on my bed with my hot water bottle on my knee due to my pain flaring. Not much fun! This got me thinking and I thought I'd write my advice for other people in similar situations to myself. There is very little information out there for CRPS suffers particularly by people who suffer from it themselves and by someone of my age. So I thought I'd share the little knowledge I have and I'm sure there's plenty more for even me to learn over time. I am no expert! I don't think anyone really is to be completely honest which leads me onto my first piece of advice.

1. Don't be afraid to be honest with your consultants as no one knows you better than you! Whilst doctors, consultants and specialists are counted as "professionals" even they don't always know what the perfect cure or solution is for you. CRPS or even chronic pain in general is something that needs to be investigated in a lot more detail than it already has. I personally, under hospital guidance havd tried numerous treatments such as using a TENs machine, anti-epileptic medications which have apparently shown effective results in people suffering from nerve pain and even acupuncture. Some of which have helped to some degree but alongside any relief that I did experience came other problems. I still haven't found a solution and instead have to manage my pain levels to the best of my ability. People in the medical profession are just human and are still learning just like you and I so don't be afraid to let them know that something isn't working for you or if you don't want to go through with a treatment because "the doctor knows best and I can't question them". Don't worry, you can because ultimately they're not the one going through everything that you are. And let's face it; no one knows you better than you!

2. Never give up hope! You never know what tomorrow might bring, it might just be the day they find a cure or a way to relieve your pain levels! New cures and treatments are being discovered each and everyday for a large number of things. Tomorrow might just be the day that they'll find the one to change your life!

3. Play close attention to what triggers or increases your pain flares and look at ways in which you can minimize these triggers or perhaps get rid of them altogether. For me things such as stress and upset play a big part in triggering off a pain flare so over time I've had to step back and take a look at what I can do in order to prevent myself from becoming stressed, anxious or upset to avoid my pain levels becoming any worse than they are. Another personal pain trigger is cold and damp weather which living in Scotland is pretty difficult to avoid I must admit. It's actually something that I'm currently struggling with quite a bit due to the fact it's approaching the colder months in the year. And I'm currently having to use techniques and coping mechanisms that I've learnt over the past couple of years such as carrying a hot water bottle wherever I go and the simplest of things such as wearing warmer clothes, resting my leg and using art and music to take my mind off of it. It doesn't take the pain away, but it certainly helps me to cope with it and prevent it from getting any worse. There will be many different ways of dealing with pain triggers and not everything will work for you, but my advice is to try things out and over time you'll discover what works for you.

4. Don't be afraid to say no and make people aware of your capabilities! Perhaps you may have heard of the spoon theory and for those of you who haven't, I suggest looking it up! It explains the daily capabilities of a chronic pain sufferer perfectly. Pain is such a debilitating thing and sometime makes enduring the simplest of tasks a real challenge. You're only human and can only do what you can do! It doesn't make you a failure to say 'no, I can't manage to do that today'. Sometimes people won't always be as supportive or as understanding as you'd hoped they would be but, you know what?! It could easily be them in your situation and they don't know what might happen tomorrow so always be proud of yourself for what you can do because you're doing good! It's the scenario of whether the glass is half empty or half full and sometimes the most difficult of situations bring you to facing that scenario face on. And trust me, it hasn't always been easy to be positive in past, but I can finally say I think i've finally got there!

5. Never compare yourself to what you once were or even the people round about you. This isn't an easy thing to do, I must confess, it's something I'm still learning not to do. It's so easy to look back at a time when you didn't suffer from CRPS and feel absolutely crap that you can't live the life that you once used to lead and do things that you once used to do. Always, focus on the positives, be proud of what you CAN do and the person that you've become because of all that life has thrown in your direction.