Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Song Of The Month August 2016

Well it's the final day of the month and I've only just managed to get round to writing a new post with August's Song of the Month. I'd been hoping to share some more unusual songs with you guys however I've not had a lot of time to brainstorm and do some looking into indie bands etc so it left me in a quandary about what exactly to pick. So just a short while ago, the idea came to me. So without further ado I'm pleased to announce that the 'Song of the Month' August 2016 is (drum roll).......

'Man In The Mirror' by Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson was probably one of the first artists I was ever majorly into, he was my favourite singer of all-time when I was younger and I listened to his music nonstop. Although, I perhaps don't listen to his just as much as I used, I'm still a huge fan and am greatly inspired by him and his music.
This month saw what would have been Michael's 58th Birthday so it only felt right to celebrate his Birthday here on my blog by picking one his songs as the Song of the Month. The question was 'what song?' Then it came to me! I heard 'Man In The Mirror' on the radio the other day and the message behind the song is so inspiring and the world would be a much better place if everyone took note of the lyrics and actually put them into action. It felt like forever since I'd last heard this song but I still remember the lyrics word for word.
So why not click on the embedded link to YouTube and spare a few minutes out of your day to listen to this masterpiece! Enjoy everyone!
Until next month!
Love & Peace,
The Hat Hippie xx

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