First time playing drums |
I woke up this morning with a notification of my iPod from around 5am; a text or iMessage (whatever you want to call) from Laurel who's cuddled up in her bed at the other side of the room 'is Dad keeping you awake with his snoring?'. Well, not quite considering I hadn't received the text until after 8am. He was however, snoring rather loudly before I nodded off after finishing writing yesterday's post around 1am yet somehow I still managed to fall asleep.
Bill's |
We headed out this morning for breakfast at 'Bill's' where we ate during our visit here last year. I absolutely love the rustic, shabby chic décor in this cute little restaurant. There wasn't much question over what I was going to order, a good old cooked breakfast of course! Dad had the same, Laurel had blueberry buttermilk pancakes and Mum ordered the bread basket which was filled with a toast, croissants and pan au chocolat. My breakfast was absolutely delicious as was everyone else's. As we were eating 'Rhiannon' by Fleetwood Mac began to play which topped it all off, my day was already made!
My Breakfast |
Unfortunately, my SD card for my camera had broken and would no longer slot into my camera so I really needed to replace and soon at that because I've been vlogging our trip here and I didn't want to miss out on any potential footage so I had everyone on a hunt for WHSmith. Eventually, we did come across one-thank goodness for that! So I was quite happy once I bought a new SD card as a replacement. Following this Laurel's eyes fell upon one of her very favourite shops 'Lush' so we ended up having a browse in there too. And of course Laurel was able to stock up on some new goodies to take back home.
After we found Dad again we set off back to Albert Dock to The Beatles Story museum however the lift was broken and they had called the engineers out to fix it so we couldn't go into the first part until the lift was fixed. However, we did get to go to the second part located at Pier Head where we visited last night to see The Beatles statues; just a short walk away from Albert Dock. The Pier Head part of the museum had an exhibition on the British Invasion in America, there was a variety of memorabilia from legendary British and American artists including BB King, James Brown, The Supremes and even Keith Moon's drum kit!
As you can see in picture at the top of the page, I had my very first drum lesson at the museum curtesy of the one and only Ringo Starr (by a pre-recorded video). I'd always wanted to have a go at playing drums and finally I got a chance! Needless to say I was absolutely rubbish at it-I think I'll stick to bass for now hehe! Mum however, was probably a little relieved that I wouldn't be taking up a new hobby and subjecting the house to a lot of noise! But what a claim to fame eh? I had my first drum lesson from Ringo! Too bad it wasn't in person though!
Keith Moon's drum kit |
There was also a photographic exhibition title 'George, Eric and Me' which was basically a collection of photographs by Patti Boyd taken over the years of herself, George Harrison and Eric Clapton as well as a few other famous faces from the music world. There was some amazing photos in there I have to say-definitely worth going to the museum just to see that! I also had a browse in the Fab Four store however decided to refrain from buying anything and instead go to the other store at The Beatles Story, Albert Dock as the selection of merch there was amazing last time!
Another pic of a display inside The Beatles Story, Pier Head |
We did a little shopping at the Liverpool One centre again, there is seriously so many great shops there! You could easily spend hours wandering around. Laurel in particular was delighted to see that Liverpool's Forever 21 branch is still open as the Glasgow store shut it's door just a few weeks ago. So we enjoyed having a browse in there and I may have even treated myself to a new top. We also paid a visit to Ed's Diner for a milkshake to keep us going and oh my goodness are they delicious! Besides the amazing milkshakes, I also love Ed's because they play a soundtrack of 50's music which I enjoy bopping around to. My favourite though would have to be 'Hey Baby' by Bruce Chanel, I remember hearing that song as a little girl and still love it just as much today. As we were sitting in Ed's a family walked in with a little boy probably around four maybe five at push in a wheelchair and I just had this feeling straight away and I was right. The little boy had an ilizarov frame on his leg which I at the exact same age when I underwent surgery at Great Ormond Street Hospital. It was a little strange seeing someone else with one as you don't usually see anything like that outwith London; a little bit of deja vu to be honest. Part of me wanted to go say 'hello' but I know how it felt as a little girl when people mentioned it to me particularly when I didn't know them so didn't want to overstep myself. But what a brave little boy, I truly admire him!
As we wandered through one of the shopping malls which was filled with a lot of designer shops a torrential rain shower began to fall and everyone was flocking inside for shelter. I think the bad weather had followed us from Scotland. There's no escaping it that's for sure! Although it was funny hearing some of the guys running the market stalls trying to sell umbrellas to everybody and anybody that would listen to them. Great for business I'm sure!
Dinner at Jamie's Italian |
We ate dinner at Jamie's Italian restaurant located within the shopping centre proximity and the standards was amazing! The restaurant itself is very chilled and the décor again, is very quirky in it's own way. The staff were extremely friend and VERY knowledgeable about each item on the menu which was extremely impressive! They were an absolute credit to the franchise and would definitely encourage you to return again in future. The food itself was impeccable, I ordered steak with garlic butter and spicy fries and it was seriously one of the best things I'd eaten in a LONG time! I seriously enjoyed every single bite! I also had chocolate ice-cream for dessert which was equally as delicious-mmm! Take me back please!
Such big kids in the Disney Store! |
After dinner we had a browse in a couple of other shops like Topshop and Laurel and I decided to pay a visit to The Disney Store. We're such big kids but honestly who doesn't love Disney!? I get so excited in the Disney store, it makes me so happy wandering around seeing all of my favourite characters and hearing those much loved Disney classics playing in the background. I may even have got a photo taken with a statue of Elsa from 'Frozen'-I just couldn't help myself! Yes, I'm one of the few people on earth who still love 'Frozen' and have grown sick of hearing 'Let It Go' and I'm not afraid to admit it haha!
It was drawing closer to 8pm so we began heading back to the hotel for the night as everyone I think were feeling pretty shattered from walking around all day. So it was rather nice to get back to the comfort of hotel, chill out and get some rest to recharge our batteries. I did the usual transferring files from my camera and iPod to my laptop and external drive so I'd have more memory to take more photos and videos tomorrow to look back on at a later date and share with you all. Anyway, it's almost 1am and I'm actually tired for once so I'm going to head to my bed and get a goodnight's sleep.
Goodnight to you all!
Love & Peace,
The Hat Hippie xx
To read the first post in my 'Liverpool Adventures' series and here all about what I got up to during my first day in Liverpool click here!