
Friday, 20 November 2015

Saying Goodbye to Jukebox Rhapsody!

Hello again!
Firstly, I hope you're all doing well and that life is treating you good! I just wanted to share with you all something I've been considering doing for a little while now. As you'll probably have gathered, I'm always looking for ways in which I can improve and develop my blog in order to make it the best that it can possibly be! That of course brings me to my announcement; I have decided to bring my music blog Jukebox Rhapsody to a close and instead, combine it with my main blog; this blog. 
By doing this, I will hopefully be able to focus on maintaining this blog on what I hope will become a more frequent basis. Not only this, I hope that I will be able to spend more time building my YouTube channel and allow that to grow in the coming weeks and months. I still intend on writing about concerts I've been to, album reviews and anything else that comes to mind to do with music but instead of posting it on Jukebox Rhapsody, I'll post it here on The Hat Hippie
I still intend on keeping Jukebox Rhapsody open to the public so if anyone wants to check out any of the posts I've written in the past; the opportunity's still there to do so. And of course, it's also nice for me to go back every now and then to relive all of my amazing concert memories from this past year that I've written about over on Jukebox Rhapsody!
I've had great fun creating and working on my music blog since I started it at the beginning of the year but after much thought and consideration, I feel sure that this is the right step for me take. It'll allow me to give my full attention to The Hat Hippie blog, it's accompanying YouTube channel and all that is yet to come in the future. I have lots of ideas and am very excited to start exploring and sharing them with each and every one of you out there. So stayed tuned!
Finally, I want to take the time to say a huge" Thank-you!" for continuing to support and read all of my blog posts over the past year! I really hope that you'll continue to enjoy what I write in future and continue to pop back and visit my blog from time to time to see what's new in the weird and wacky world of The Hat Hippie! 

But until then, I send you all my love, peace and best wishes, 
The Hat Hippie xxx

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