
Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Moving House!

I thought I'd share some exciting news with you all and that is that my family and I are moving house! We saw inside our new house for the first time last week and received our keys yesterday morning. So as we speak my family are currently up at the new house as a gentlemen is coming to measure the windows to have blinds fitted. I haven't been feeling particularly great these past few days with my pain so decided that rather than trek out with them in the cold and rainy weather, I'd stay at home where it's warm and avoid making my pain any worse. I thought I'd make great use of the time I have and update you guys with what's been happening. 
My parents ordered the flooring for our new house the other day and it was delivered yesterday just after they picked up the keys, so the joiner started fitting the flooring this morning and hopefully that'll be finished in a couple of days. There's still things like ordering a new oven as well as ordering new beds for my sister and I's bedrooms still to be done in the next few days or so but its all very exciting! At the moment I think we're hoping to move in properly sometime next week which I'm delighted about!
We currently live in a flat where my sister and I share a bedroom and the shower room is pretty small with a step up into the shower which is not good for me as I loose my balance very easily nowadays. Our new house has a fabulous wet room as well as a bedroom downstairs suited to me. There's also a separate bedroom upstairs for my sister meaning that we no longer have to share! All the rooms downstairs have wide doors which means if my pain levels ar really bad, I can use my wheelchair to get around inside the house and overall become a little more independent.
I've spent the last year or perhaps even longer picking up bits and pieces for my new bedroom in hope that we'd be moving house at some point in the not so distant future. Intially, I had intended to go for a black and white, 1950s hollywood glamour inspired room as I'm obsessed with old actors and actresses like Audrey Hepburn but decided to change the theme. I'm now opting for a bohemian inspired bedroom which as you all can probably imagine is right up my street! Although, I've managed to incorporate a lot of the black and white things that I previously purchased because when it comes to bohemian things; anything goes! So be warned; expect a few bedroom decorating YouTube videos/blog posts coming up in future!
Apart from packing up the house lately, I've been working hard at preparing a bunch of blog posts for the next few weeks as I might not have internet access for a little while until everything is up and running at our new place. I'll use not having internet as an excuse to get my Mum to take me into town for a coffee and cake at one of the cafes with free wifi so I can pop on here and keep in touch with you lovely people. But like I said, I've prepared a bunch of posts in advance and have got them schedule to post automatically so make sure to pop back from time to time to check them out as I might not be able to share them on my social media accounts until a few days after they've went live. 
Anyway, I'll still be around for a little while and will make sure there's plenty still happening in the crazy world of The Hat Hippie! So keep on reading!
But until next time,

Love, Peace & Best Wishes,
The Hat Hippie xx


  1. Moving used to be stressful for me, I hated it. Just the thought of having to was awful. Yet, somehow I moved a lot for someone who hates to move. It was my job that brought me from place to place. It taught me to appreciate what I saw. Did you known that around 40,093,000 people in the US move a year? That's a lot of moving.

    Vanessa Walters @ Stellar Movers

    1. Hi Vanessa,
      A huge Thank-You for stopping by and leaving a comment-I really appreciate it! Moving house is most definitely stressful but the end result is brilliant! I really love our new house and have settled in well :).
      Best Wishes,
      The Hat Hippie xx
