
Thursday, 12 November 2015

1 Year of The Hat Hippie

Hello Everyone!
Today marks exactly an entire year since I posted my very first blog post here on The Hat Hippie and I thought I'd write a little post in order to celebrate! I can't quite believe it's been a year since I clicked published on my very first post on the 12th November 2014. If you're new to my blog and would like to read my very first post click here and if like me, you've been here since the beginning why not go read it all over again!?
It's certainly be an exciting and eventful year since I first started my blog! On reflection, I can't quite believe all the amazing things that has happened this past year and I'm so glad that I decided to create it when I did. Had I not, I wouldn't necessarily have had a way of looking back and reliving all those memories that I've made. For me, it's amazing to think how much I've grown as both a person and in confidence during the past 12 months and I'm so proud of all the things I've managed to achieved!
Some of my biggest dreams have been made a reality this past year; it's been a long battle over the years with my health and it was nice to finally have some good things happen for once! In such a short period of time, I've met some lovely people who have truly inspired me in many different aspects of life and I'm such a lucky girl to know and have met all of these people!
My dream of being a radio presenter finally came true and I currently have a weekly show on a Thursday afternoon which is the best thing ever! I've learned so much during my time at the station, had some good laughs and of course, have enjoyed playing some great music and hosting a show! There's still ALOT for me to learn but just like living life, I learn new things each and everyday! So a huge thank-you to everyone at 3TFM for having me on board and making me so welcome! I really appreciate it!
A huge thank-you to all my close family and friends for the love, support and encouragement you've given me throughout my entire life! I don't know where'd I'd be without it! I want to say a huge Thank-you to my Mum in particular who is my hero and biggest inspiration! Without her I wouldn't have the confidence or oomph to do everything I've done. She's always there for me whenever I need a hug or some encouragement! Words cannot describe just how much I love you, Mum! Thank-you for all that you do!
Finally, I want to say a huge "Thank-You!" to you, my lovely readers, my amazing friends! Every time I click publish on a new post, it's so lovely to receive all the lovely comments and messages you send me! They put a big smile on my face and encourage me to work hard and fight for what I believe in! Your support throughout this past year has been absolutely incredible! You all never fail to brighten my day and I hope that I can bring a little light or cheer to your day in some shape or form!
Really!? A whole year of "The Hat Hippie"!? How, did that even happen!? It's certainly been one incredible year and I can't help but wonder what this next year will bring? I suppose I'll just have to take each day as they come and watch the year unfold and I hope you'll all continue to join me on the journey!
But until then, keep dreaming!
Lots of Love, Peace and Best Wishes,
The Hat Hippie xxx

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