Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Song Of The Month November 2016

So I haven't managed to post a song of the month for the past couple of months (shame on me!) so it's about time I get round to eh?! Well, it's the end of November and December is just around the corner-can you actually believe it!?
Yesterday, marked 15 years since a certain gentleman belonging to a band whom I adore so much sadly passed. I was just a small child at the time and have no recollection of the day however I grew up to learn about this legend and his music as a member of two different bands and also a solo artist became an important of my life. It's sad to think that I'll never have the chance to see him perform live.
So that brings us to the Song of The Month: November 2016. 'What is it'? 'Who is it'? might you ask. Well, it's a true pleasure to tell you that the latest song of the month is (drum roll).................

'Here Comes The Moon' by George Harrison

You may not have heard this track before by former member of The Beatles and The Travelling Wilbury's. Considering George's musical catalogue across the years I had an endless choice of songs to choose from to share with you guys. But I decided to choose this more unusual track. Why?
I came across this track some time ago after discovering that George wrote this song with alongside the incredible Stevie Nicks. I suppose you could say it's a sequel to the Beatles track 'Here Comes The Sun' and refers to Stevie's love of the moon. It's a beautiful acoustic number that has both George and Stevie's names written all over it. 
So if you haven't heard this stunning piece of music make sure to click onto the YouTube video linked above and if you have why not have a listen once again and be sure to let me know what you think of it! 
Anyway sit back, relax and enjoy and I'll speak to you all next month. I can't quite believe it'll be the end of the year-what a scary thought! 
Have a good few weeks everyone!

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Being Discriminated Against Once Again!!!

Guess what?! I can't go to another gig because I'm disabled and use a wheelchair!

Recently, my younger sister and her friend wished to attend two different concerts at the O2 ABC in Glasgow. Due to events having specific age limits both girls were deemed as too young to attend unless accompanied by someone over the age of 18. I'm 18 now which means by rights I can take on the big sister role and attend gigs such as these ones with my younger sister. Sadly, this would be the case if I were abled-bodied and didn't use a wheelchair.
On hearing of the gigs I visited the O2 ABC's website to gather the necessary information regarding purchasing wheelchair access tickets for the events. Most venues have specific policies for people like me who have specific access needs regarding ticket purchases and I completely support the policies considering previous experiences with other venues who openly sold disabled access tickets online to everybody and anybody that could find them. As I scrolled through the website I came across a statement that stated the following message 'We're sorry to inform you that our lift is temporarily out of order. Operating over four floors, our custom-built lift currently has a mechanical fault at ground level and requires a full replacement'. The statement also asked that any customers with access requirements please contact them in advance prior to purchasing tickets. So I did and asked them if it would be likely that the lift would be back in full working order by February (the date of the first gig that I wish to attend). I later received a response stating 'unfortunately we have no definitive date on when the new lift will be made & installed. All I could say for now is buy a standard tickets for the event and if the lift is still broken you would be issued with a full refund.' I can't say I was particularly chuffed to hear that the venue did not know whether their lift would be back in working order three months later! Surely you'd have a rough idea.
I was later made aware that the lift by other wheelchair users that the lift has in fact been out order since July at least! That''s four, almost five months it's been out of order and they still can't guarantee that it'll be fixed by February (7 months later!). Yes, I could easily go purchase a ticket on the off chance that they might get their act together and have the lift up and running but may I also add that I wanted to attend the event as a guardian for my sister and her friend so why would I let them get their hopes up and have to disappoint them on the day of the show and tell them they can't go because I can't physically get inside the building!? People often forget that people like me not always attend an event for themselves we might go because a loved one wishes to attend, we are normal people after all!
I've ranted on a number of occasions in past and this for me is the final straw! I am seriously fed up of just having to accept the fact that I can't do something because my legs don't work properly. In the past 12 months I've had issues with at least six different venues in Glasgow alone due to my disability  and it's disgusting in this day in age. I've been researching a number of people whom I can contact that may be able to help me in anyway that they possibly can and am pleased to say I've had a positive response to my first email (more details to follow I hope!). However, during my research I came across an old article which you can check out by clicking here from last year about a gig held in the O2 Academy specifically for people with disabilities and it was in support of the making a change regarding the very issues I've faced. Notice, that it was held in the O2 Academy? Yes, a sister venue of the O2 ABC; the venue that don't know when their lift will be fixed meaning that disabled customers haven't and will continue to be unable to access events within the building! Can you actually believe that?!  
Anyway, I must thank you for taking the time to read yet another article filled with frustration. I seriously feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall-when will the message get through to people?! I really appreciate your support and would be ever so grateful if you could once again give this article a share and please get in contact with me (details in the contact page above) if you can help in any shape or form or know someone who will. In the meantime I'll be sure to keep you all posted with everything that happens!

Saturday, 12 November 2016

The Hat Hippie Turns 2!

Wow! I can't quite believe it! My blog turns two years old today! Two years ago today I clicked publish on my first ever post! The time has flown by and in that time so much has happened!
I just wanted to take the time to write a short post to thank you all for following me on my blogging journey over the past two years and showing me as much love and support as you have. It honestly does mean the absolute world to me to log into my blog and receive such lovely comments and messages from you my wonderful readers!
It's amazing to look at my blog stats and see just how many views my blog has received and see just how vast the audience is. I've had views from all around the world which is crazy to me. It's so cool and very exciting to know that there's actually people in other countries sitting down at their computer or on their phones reading the words that i have written. That's the power of the internet for you!
Throughout the time I've been blogging I've met and spoken to so many wonderful people and done some pretty awesome things! Not many 18 year olds can say that they've had the opportunities that I've been fortunate enough to have had. I'll never take them for granted either, I'm one lucky girl to have done what I've done. Yeah, perhaps I have my struggles with health and pain but without those struggles I wouldn't have the enthusiasm nor the confidence to go out there and achieve my dreams. Instead I'd still be sitting in a boring classroom bombarded with constant tests and pressure as I've noticed with many others of my age and younger. Although I'm still in education, I don't have to face that each and every day. I don't have to be pushed into the box of if you don't get an A and strive to go to university, you're a failure. I'd hate that and I hate seeing that being pushed upon many other young people at the present day. In fact I'd happily tell any teacher that because I for once have proof thanks to my own circumstances that there are other options and many paths to get to the final destination. 
So I want to say a huge thank-you to you all for continuing to read each of my blog posts, sharing them and of course you constant support and enthusiasm. To reach the two year milestone in my blog is simply wonderful and I'm proud of such achievements. I look forward to continuing with my journey and to see what adventures are still to come. So until next year; my third year in the world of blogging I wish you all the best and sincerely hope you'll continue to enjoy reading what I share with the world! 

Thank-you so much and a huge Happy Birthday to The Hat Hippie!!!

Love & Peace to each and every one of you! xxx