Thursday, 25 February 2016

Song of the Month February 2016

Hello out there!
It's that time of the month where I pick out a song of the month to share with you all! Now, I must say it's been a difficult decision as there's quite a few contenders that I could of chosen but I'd eventually picked out 'the chosen one' and well perhaps I'll choose one of the others at a later date. Anyway, let's cut to the chase shall?
I am pleased to announce that February's Song of the Month is.....................
'Adventure of A Lifetime' by Coldplay! 
Now, I know this song was released at the end of 2015 but I've heard it ALOT of late whether that be in shops or on the radio. It's a brilliant song in my opinion and goes perfectly with that colourful theme that Coldplay have chosen for their latest album and live performances. The song is very vibrant and overall a great number which I'm totally lovin' right now!
So make sure to click on the link I've provided and have a listen to 'Adventure of A Lifetime' by Coldplay, February's Song of The Month here on The Hat Hippie! Also, go check out their latest album 'A Head Full of Dreams'  which features this song as it's filled to the brim with more great music! Have a listen and let me know in the comments if you enjoyed it and what your favourite song on the album is! I can't wait to hear your thoughts!
Until next month,
The Hat Hippie xx

Monday, 15 February 2016

My Experiences of Frames & Leg Lengthening

I wanted to use my blog to write a lot about personal experiences and actually, when I think about it I haven't written very much about my time in London at Great Ormond Street Hospital. So today I thought I'd make a start and tell you a bit about the leg lengthening surgery I underwent and the frame that they put on my leg. This will be followed at a later date with posts on staying in hospital and my experiences of London as city during my frequent trips to hospital. I also want to create an open door policy for anyone who is undergoing leg lengthening, perhaps going to stay in hospital for treatment etc. to ask me questions which I'll try my best to answer. So if you'd like to ask me anything feel free; I want to help put as many people's minds at ease as I possibly can. No question is too ridiculous so please don't feel embarrassed either-trust me I've had to ask my consultants questions that I thought were silly in past, but knowing the answer helped me feel better about the situation!
Well I was born with my right leg shorter than the left and the long and the short of it was that I ended up under the care of Great Ormond Street Hospital in London. I underwent treatment when I was just a year old and just a few years later at around four years old, I had my first leg lengthening operation. So I was pretty young but I believe I coped remarkably well.
Basically, what happened in the initial operation was (please excuse how gruesome this might sound; it makes me squirm too although, it didn't feel as bad as it sounds-I promise) that my consultant broke one of my bones either the tibia or fibula (can't remember what one) in half and put a metal cage called an Ilizarov frame around my leg with metal pins attached to it which went through my bone. After the initial operation we had to use a pair of spanners every day (yes, spanners that you'd find in a toolbox) to twist the rods on the Ilizarov frame which were connected to the pins in my leg. What this did was stretch my bone in order to achieve the required growth over a period of a few months. Although, taking a pair of spanners with us to the airport on our fortnightly trips to London was fun and games. Every time without fail we were stopped at the security check (whatever you call it!) and questioned about why we needed a pair of spanners. Try explaining the strange contraption on my leg and the spanners to go along with it was certainly interesting-it's a wonder how we managed to persuade them to be honest!
A few weeks after the initial operation I had to undergo a follow up operation in order to insert a thicker pin through my other bone and attach it to the frame. After a seven month period I underwent a third and final operation to have the Ilizarov frame removed from my leg and in comparison to the seven hour operation to put it on in the first place; it only took around twenty minutes to remove which is quite unbelievable!
Me and my physiotherapist at GOSH
Following the first lot of leg lengthening, the required amount of growth in my leg was successfully achieved and for a good five or six years afterwards I would visit GOSH every six months for check ups. However, as time went on I began to grow and the difference in my leg length became more problematic as expected. So at ten years old I had the leg lengthening treatment all over again; except this time they used a more modern and up to date contraction called a 'Taylor Spatial' frame. Again, it was the same surgical procedure however the difference was that I was quite a bit older, the orthopaedic ward was in the newer part of the hospital and I'd forgotten what exactly to expect as I was only just a little girl last time round; so it was all pretty scary for me I must admit.
Fortunately, there was so many people in the hospital that helped put my mind at ease such as the doctors who explained things in a matter of fact way so I always knew exactly what the procedure involved, the nurses who did their best to make the experience as easy as possible, the play leader who sat down and explained things to me and always found a fun art activity to keep my mind off of any procedures I had done. And of course the other patients that I came across were also a great support to me; there was always something fun going on to take part in and they overall, they made everything seem not so bad. But I'll tell you more about the actual hospital experience in another post in the not so distant future.
Apart from having the actual surgery itself, there was a lot of work on my part to help make the treatment a success. Like I said earlier, we had to use the spanners every single day for a period of a couple of months to tweak the rods and in turn stretch the bone. I also, had to have my wounds cleaned on a regular basis which was an experience that I wasn't so keen on. Basically, my Mum had to remove the old dressings and clean round each pin site on my leg with antiseptic wipes which stung like mad and often made my cry. The new dressings were soaked in some sort of antibacterial solution which were put around the pin sites and secured with either a plastic clip or a rubber tube type thing. My Mum would clean my wounds for me as well as the district nurses who'd visit at least once a week to clean them, check for infection as well as providing us with more wound cleaning supplies. The nurses I had were great and I got on very well with them! I'd often put on a DVD usually something like Camp Rock or High School Musical as I was a part of the generation that were obsessed with those movies. Sometimes, I'd even get out my joke book and tell everyone a joke or two-bless them having to put up with those awful jokes! 
On a couple occasions my pin sites got infected and up until then I'd been too afraid to look at my wounds. I accidentally caught sight of one of the infected wounds one day and although, it wasn't particularly gory I got quite a fright. Following that incident, I put a towel above my leg in order to hide the frame when my wounds were being cleaned so I wouldn't catch another glimpse as it really freaked me out!
I also had regular sessions with my physiotherapist which started off in hospital to get me up and moving although, I wanted out of bed the day following surgery. There was no physiotherapists as it was a Saturday so with the help of my parents and the nurses we had to use a banana board to transfer me to my wheelchair without bending my leg. For the two weeks I spent in hospital, I attended regular gym sessions with my physio to get me moving which were actually quite fun-more on that in a future post though! I then carried out the exercise by myself at home and in regular sessions with my physiotherapist here in Scotland.
Riding my tyre swing with a frame on my leg
You'd think from the appearance of the frames that it would restrict what I was able to do however, I soon realised that this was not the case. The possibilities were endless! I was able to ride my bike and was even able to play on the tyre swing in our old garden! So it certainly didn't restrict me; in fact it probably made me all the more determined. 
Was it painful? Well, there was times when it would cause me pain and discomfort particularly just after surgery. I suppose my bone had been broken after all. However, the doctors kept me well stocked up on pain relief and as time went on I required less and less of it. I'd probably say the worst part for me was having my wounds cleaned but even that I managed to get through by distracting myself with other things.
Of course no one wants to have surgery but I choose to look at what I've been through as a positive thing and although it didn't quite go to plan and I was unable to have a third leg lengthening due to problems with my knee resulting in me having quite a difference in length between both legs; I had some pretty great experiences in the process! I've visited some pretty cool places and met some wonderful people so really, it could have been a lot worse!
I've tried to keep this post to a minimum as there's so much I could write about. However, if you are about to go through this sort of surgery, are going through it or have went through it and would like to ask a question or chat about it, then please feel free to get in touch with me via the contact page above! I'd love to hear from you and would be delighted if I can help in anyway. I'm thinking I might also make a YouTube video on this subject as it'll reach another audience and might help at least one person out there! Thank-you so much for reading, I'll be back again very soon with another new post so make sure to pop back and see what's happening!
Love & Peace,
The Hat Hippie xx

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

My 7 Dream Dinner Party Guests

I thought since this was one of my first posts since I returned to my blog after the break I took over Christmas and as well as the lack of Wi-Fi due to moving house, I thought I'd write something for a bit of fun. I don't know about you but do you ever have those conversations about who your dream dinner party guests are? My Mum and I quite often bring up this subject and turns out ours are quite similar.
Then there's that thing that appears every so often on social media where it asks you to pick your 7 dream dinner party guests and it always gets me thinking. So today, I thought I'd finally put it in down on paper and tell you my "7 dream dinner party guests" this also includes people who are unfortunately no longer with us.
Anyway, here it goes:
1. Sir Paul McCartney- Might as well get over with the usual suspects ha ha! But I mean seriously, wouldn't it be awesome to invite a member of The Beatles to your dinner party? If you let me away with it, I'd have all 4 members but considering it's a strict number of guests I'm going to pick Paul. Perhaps he'd give me a few bass playing tips whilst we're at it-one can only dream right?

2. Stevie Nicks- Yep, big surprise there! I find Stevie so intriguing, interesting and very inspiring as both a person and an artist. I could easily talk with her for hours hence, she'd have to be on the all important guest list!
3. Audrey Hepburn- My all-time favourite actress; I'd loved to have met her but sadly, I won't have the opportunity. However, she would be one of my dream guests. She seemed like such a beautiful person both inside and out and I think would be so sweet to talk to.
4. Ellen DeGeneres- Who doesn't love Ellen?! She is definitely one my favourite TV hosts; she's absolutely hilarious, extremely charismatic and everybody seems to get on like a house on fire with her! I think Ellen would be the 'perfect' dinner party guest who'd keep a constant flow of chat and laughter!
5. Orianthi Panagaris- Another of my very favourite singers/musicians as well as a style inspiration to me-particularly when it comes to hats! And again, she is so easy to chat too and has had such an exciting life, I'd really love to learn more about her!
6. Brian May- I've just realised that more than half of my list are musicians/singers but that's typical for me after all! You all know I'm a huge fan of Queen and I think Brian May is one of the most amazing guitar players out there. Again, to have him as a dinner party guest would be a dream come true; there's so much I'd love to ask him about his life and music so for me, Brian is a must!
7. Chris Evans- Chris Evans is my favourite radio DJ and has been part of the inspiration for me wanting to become a radio presenter. Again, just like Ellen DeGeneres he is very charismatic and I think would be an amazing dinner party guest. Perhaps I could get a few tips for radio presenting whilst I'm at it?
So there you have it; my 7 dream dinner party guests! I could easily add a bunch of other people to the list but all the things I've seen on social media usually specifies just 7 guests (or least that's what I think it said!) so I thought I'd stick to that to keep this post to a minimum, otherwise you'd be here all day-you poor souls! As you can see there's quite a few singers/musicians in there perhaps there'd be a wee impromptu jam session!? Keep dreaming Robyn!
Make sure to leave a comment on this post and tell me your 7 dream dinner party guests and why! Or if like me, you're a blogger and decide to create your own version of this post, make sure to send me a link as I'd really love to read it!

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Song of the Month January 2016

I know it's a little late but I wanted to post a song of the month for January but could only do it now that I have internet on my phone-thank goodness! As we all know, January was a sad month for the entertainment industry as the world lost alot of big names. I want to pay tribute to one of those legends so with that in mind and I am delighted to announce that January's song of the month is........
"Starman" by David Bowie
A huge loss to the music industry, loved by so many! It was touching to turn on the radio that day and hear every single station playing his songs and remnising about their memories of David. Needless to say, I played my part as soon as I was back on the radio at 3TFM and played a few of his wonderful songs.
Starman is one of my very favourite David Bowie songs and as soon as I hear his name mentioned that is the first song that comes to minds. I personally, think it's one of his finest pieces! There is something really special about it hence why I've decided to pick it as my song of the month. So pop on over to the YouTube video I've linked to this post and enjoy listening to this wonderful song!
Make sure to leave a comment below and tell me what your favourite David Bowie song is! I'd really love to know!

R.I.P David Bowie