
Friday, 11 December 2015

Top 10 Christmas Songs

In today's post, I will be collaborating alongside a fellow teen blogger; the lovely Geraldine from "Geraldine's Wonderful World"! We both wanted to get into the Christmas spirit and create a post to tell you about our favourite Christmas songs and share any special memories that they might bring back and generally, why we love them so much. So click here to pop on over to Geraldine's lovely blog and read all about her all-time favourite Christmas songs! I for one, am very excited to check them out and enjoy listening to them!
I hope this post leaves you feeling full of Christmas cheer and that listening to these amazing tunes bring back some special memories for each and everyone of you out there! So where shall I begin?

1. "Wonderful Christmastime" by Paul McCartney

Wonderful Christmas time by Paul McCartney is most definitely my all-time favourite song! Every time I hear it, I instantly feel extremely festive and can't help but smile and sing along (very badly and very out of tune might I add!). Wonderful Christmas time always brings back happy memories of going with my family or school to the Christmas pantomime at my local theatre every year. As we were being seated inside the theatre and were waiting for the show to begin, a playlist of Christmas songs filled the room and for whatever reason out of all the songs that were played, Wonderful Christmas time is the song that always brings back fun and exciting memories of the pantomimes! Pantomimes are one of my very favourite parts of Christmas; they are always so much fun and have me in heaps of laughter! So this song really makes me feel happy and very festive! And of course, to top it all off, Paul McCartney was a member of one of my very favourite bands The Beatles-although I had no idea it actually his song until I started properly listening to The Beatles and Paul's solo catalogue a good few years ago.

2. "Christmas Wrapping" by The Waitresses

I first heard Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses back in 2007 in when I went to see what would become one of my very favourite Christmas movies "Fred Claus" in the cinema with my sister and Dad. I really loved the song back then and still do to this day! (otherwise it wouldn't have be included in this list!) Every time I watch Fred Claus now, I spend the entire film waiting for this song to play during the scene where Fred is flying in Santa's sleigh, delivering presents all around the world. I don't really know why but it gives me an absolute buzz to hear that song and to watch that paticular scene!

3. "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" by Michael Jackson

I was a huge Michael Jackson fan when I was younger and still love his music to this day. I remember coming across the Jackson 5's Christmas album on iTunes for this time and downloading it in the middle of July as it was only 79p which was a real bargain! Eventually, I came across the physical copy of the album in HMV when I was around 11 or 12 and decided to buy it too. I think the song Santa Claus is Coming to Town is a favourite of almost every child and as we grow older it still holds a special place in our hearts. There are so many different versions out there and I have to say I really love them all but Michael Jackson's version which he recorded as child has always been a firm favourite!

4. "Happy Xmas (The War Is Over)" by John Lennon & The Plastic Ono Band

Every year at Christmas when I was younger, my Mum and Gran used to attend a craft fair inside the most beautiful castle in the middle of a country park not so far from where we live. The craft fair was usually held over the weekend and it is by far one of my favourite Christmas memories. We used to get up really early in the morning to get there to set up and usually my Mum and Gran's stalls were in the first room next to entrance so it was pretty cold I must admit yet, at the same time there was something pretty comforting about the crisp, Winter morning outside. We sometimes bought homemade soup from a small food stall outside to heat us up and by the time we left at night it was really dark outside. I love when it's dark outside around Christmas time-it's so atmospheric particularly on the grounds of castle! I know it may sound strange but that for me, brought the magic of Christmas alive. Anyway, the long and the short of what I'm trying to say is that throughout the day, they used to play a compilation CD filled with Christmas hits and I remember that this particular song was played over and over again throughout the day. It was played so much that it began to freeze which became a little annoying after a while hearing the same lyrics repeated a million times. Nevertheless I still really love this song!

5. "Fairytale of New York" by The Pogues and Kirsty McColl

This is yet another Christmas classic loved by so many including me. I love the folk vibe within this song, it's so upbeat and cheery that you just can't help but smile when listening to it! So why not sit back, brighten your day and enjoy listening to another of my Christmas favourites!

6. "Do They Know It's Christmas?" by Band Aid

This song is an absolute Christmas classic filled with the voices of some incredible artists who all came together for an amazing cause! Do They Know It's Christmas? has been recorded on a handful of occasions over the years in aid of different causes, the most recent one of which was recorded almost a year ago to date to raise money in aid of the fight against the deadly disease Ebola. The latest recording saw some of the most popular artists of today's music industry including One Direction, Ellie Goulding, Ed Sheeran and even some of my favourite YouTube sensations; Zoella, Joe Sugg and Alfie Deyes. And of course there was also the appearances from Bono, Rodger Taylor and the gentlemen who made it all happen Bob Geldof and Midge Ure! My favourite out of the 3 recordings however, has to be the original as it's a classic but overall; they're all great!

7. "I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday" by Wizzard

This is yet another Christmas classic that to be honest with you, I don't really have a particular memory of it to share with you but I just had to include it in my list as it is definitely a favourite of mine! It never fails to make me smile and I just can't help but sing along to it! Let's face it; it wouldn't really be Christmas without hearing this song! And of course this video is great fun to watch!

8."White Christmas" by Bing Crosby

I couldn't not add the all-time classic to my list, I absolutely love the film and actually went to see an amateur production of White Christmas at my local theatre just last month. I may or may not have sung along to the lyrics much to my Mum and Sister's amusement during that iconic scene at the end of the show. Yes, that spectacular scene at the end where the cast all come out dressed in their red Christmassy outfits! Well, I couldn't help but sing along! It just sort of slipped out my mouth without thinking!

9. "Walking In The Air" from the Snowman

Walking In The Air reminds me so much of being little and watching The Snowman every single year on Christmas Eve. It's became a bit of a tradition for me as I cannot go a single Christmas without watching The Snow as well as the sequel released back in 2012, The Snowman and The Snow Dog which is  also such a sweet film! I spend the entire film oohing and ahhing at the little dog made out of snow wishing it was real-I'm such a big kid at times!

10. "Merry Christmas Everybody" by Slade

Merry Christmas Everybody by Slade brings back good memories of going to the local Christmas light switch every single year in town. This cheery and upbeat song is always played immediately after the lights were officially switched and everyone just can't help but smile and sing along! So go watch the video and don't forget to sing along!

Seeing as it's Christmas, I thought I'd be extra generous and throw in an extra song for you guys to check out!

11. "Silent Night" by Stevie Nicks

Now, I didn't even know that Stevie Nicks had record a cover of Silent Night up until just a couple of years ago. Silent Night is a beautiful song anyway, but hearing one of my all-time favourite singers, the beautiful Stevie Nicks singing it makes it all the more special.


  1. I love your top ten! I love Fairytale of New York too! Some of these I haven't heard of before, I'm definately going to listen to the Stevie Nicks one though xx

    1. Aw thank-you Geraldine! Loved your top 10 too! xx
