
Thursday, 17 December 2015

Christmas Craft Fair 2015

A few weeks ago, I attended a Christmas arts and craft fair in a small village just outside of Glasgow with my Mum, Gran and younger sister Laurel. We've been attending craft fairs in the village ever since I was just a little girl. Both my Mum and Gran have a stall each at the event selling handmade jewellery (Mum) and handbags (Gran). In recent years, both my sister and I have been running a stall on behalf of a friend of ours who helps out in the tea and coffee area. The lady we run the stall for paints some beautiful artwork and has then printed onto cards which she sells at the fair. Not only this but, she also allows me to sell cards with my photography work printed on them at her stall which I'm so grateful to her for!
I actually took a long a camera to the event in order to vlog my day but my laptop is currently broken due to wear and tear as I've had it for quite a few years which means I'm unable to edit the video footage and upload it to YouTube. My parents have agreed to replace it for me for Christmas so I'll get it edited and uploaded as soon as I possibly can. But until then, thank goodness for my iPod so I can still update my blog on it! My sister spent the day taking photographs on my behalf to post here on my blog so a huge thank-you to Laurel! I think she's actually considering starting her own blog/YouTube channel at some point so if she does I'll be sure to share it with you guys so that you can check it out!
Anyway, it was another early start for us and as I'm sure you'll have gathered by now; I'm not much of a morning person! But I just go with it and do my best to get ready without nodding off whilst eating breakfast! I flung everything I needed in my bag, made sure I had my camera with me for vlogging. And of course 'The Hat Hippie' was not going to attend a Christmas craft fair without looking the part and wearing a festive hat, so out came my Santa hat! I look forward to brining out my Santa hat every year, it brings back good memories of wearing it to primary school almost every single day in December on the lead up to Christmas.
On route to the fair we stopped by at my Grandparent's house to pick up my Gran and all of the bits n' bobs that we needed for the fair which were stored at her house. Once the car was all packed we were off and on our way. My Granddad made my Mum a small tree to display some of her jewellery on, so my sister and I spent the journey trying to keep it still as every time the card stopped or pulled round a corner it sprung forward-that was fun and games! But it certainly get us on our toes and woke me up a little!
Before long we arrived at the community hall and hauled our stuff inside, found our tables for the day and began to set up. My sister and I met up with the lady we were taking care of a stall for and got the information we needed such as how much everything was to be sold for and how the cards were to be displayed. Once we knew exactly what we were doing we got to work and started setting up the table and creating a display of cards which I really enjoy as I get to have a look through the cards which are so pretty! I also popped out a range of my own cards with some of the photography that I'd been working on all year printed on them.
No sooner than all the bits n' pieces were out on the table a flow of people began to come through the doors and became busier and busier as time went on. I love craft fairs as it always nice to catch up with familiar faces who return every single year and of course meet new people too! Everyone is so lovely and are always so interested and enthusiastic about the artwork and very encouraging towards someone like me who is fairly new to it all.
So we spent the day chatting with people, munching on the bag of snacks we'd brought along to keep us going throughout the day, (you really need them to keep you going!) selling handmade arts and crafts and in my case attempt to vlog without looking like a right weirdo! It's hard work trying to hold a camera in front of your face without receiving funny looks from other people, although I think I did pretty well considering how busy it was! I also tried out my new Polaroid cube camera (I have a ton of video ideas that I'm going to use it to create) which is absolutely tiny which helped make it not seem as obvious. Anyway, I'll try get the video edited and uploaded as soon as I find a working laptop as mine decided it's time was up-goodbye old fella! I'll miss you!
As three o'clock approached everyone began to pack up their stalls as it was almost time to make our way back home again. We packed up the stall fairly quickly as well as our own personal belongings. My sister went and found the lady we'd been taking care of the stall for and got her car keys so that she could begin taking stuff outside and packing up her car.
On my way out to our car I got to have a hug from another of the crafter's (who I've known for years gorgeous) Spaniel named Daisy. Daisy is such a lovely and friendly dog who we all adore and look forward to seeing every year at the fair. Once we were all bundled up in the heaving car we drove back to the town my Gran lives in and picked up some Chinese takeout for dinner. The food they make in the local Chinese takeaway where my Gran and Granddad lives is absolutely delicious! I always love when my Grandparents suggest ordering it for dinner!
Anyway, enough about food! The craft fair was yet another lovely event and the perfect excuse to give my Santa hat its first airing this year! Below, are a selection of the photographs that my sister, Laurel took so I hope you enjoy having a look through them! Hopefully, I'll get the vlog edited at some point soon so keep an eye on my YouTube channel and social media accounts in order to be the first to see it! 

A Few Extra Pics Of The Fair

This is Willie, the gentleman who used to work tirelessly to arrange the craft fairs and made sure everything ran smoothly. His daughter, Elaine now organises the fairs which are always so lovely to attend!

The Card Display

Some of the cards on the stall
Working hard
My lovely Mum & Gran
Little Old Me!



  1. Such a lovely post! I love going to craft fairs and my sister often has a table at them (she makes jewellery and my mum makes bunting) it's so nice to spend local rather than in chain shops xx

    1. I totally agree! You can come across so many fabulous things at craft fairs, I often go along to help out my Mum, Gran or a friend and end up coming home with a bunch of things I purchased from other stall xx
