Friday, 29 January 2016

Long Time No See!

Hello Out There!
How are you all?
It feels like a lifetime ago since I last posted here on my blog; the reason why? Well, we moved house at the beginning of December and haven't had any internet access whatsoever ever since. I've never been more excited in my life to visit the supermarket to take advantage of their free Wi-Fi so I could keep up to date with social media and see if there were any exciting concert announcements (priorities right?). Hopefully, our internet will be finally be up and running next week so that we can get back into the swing of things! 
Currently, I'm sitting in my Grandparent's living room setting up my new laptop which I received for Christmas, uploading a new YouTube video and writing this post for you guys to read! I've really missed being able to write here on my blog but during that time I've created a list of video and blog post ideas which hopefully I'll be able to create for you to enjoy very soon-so make sure to keep an eye out for that!
I hope you all had a very lovely Christmas and a happy New Year! It was so lovely to be in our new house during the festive season! I have a lovely new bedroom which I've had a great time decorating and no doubt will continue to enjoy decorating it over the coming years! I've decided to decorate my bedroom inspired by my love for bohemian/hippie things. Perhaps I might create a "room tour" video to post on my YouTube channel to show you guys around!
I just wanted to pop on to say a quick hello and let you all know that I'm still alive and well (he he!). I promise I'll be back very soon with lots more to share with you all! I think 2016 is set to be a good year with plenty of more exciting adventures which I can't wait to share with you all! There is already plenty of things in the pipeline so stay tuned!
Until next time; love & peace,
The Hat Hippie xx

Saturday, 2 January 2016

Goals & Ambitions for 2016

Hello Out There!
A very warm welcome to 2016! So for my very first blog post on the entire year, I thought I'd set myself a few goals for the year in hope that I'll actually be successful to make some of them, if not all of them happen! I'm sure we'll all find out just how many of them I actually manage as the year unfolds but until then I shall remain optomistic!
For me, 2016 will be a very big year! This year I'll begin my final year of school which is a very scary thought-it feels like not so long ago I was in Primary school and now I'm about to actually leave school forever! I'll also turn the grand old age of 18 in September of this year which I can't quite believe either! So already, that's two big milestones for me in 2016 and who knows what else might happen in the course of 12 months! I certainly never imagined half of what took place last year to have actually happened to me!
So keep reading to find out what happens in the next chapter of The Hat Hippie! I have good feelings about it and I can't wait to bring you along with me!
Love & Peace,
The Hat Hippie xx

Meet Someone Famous
So last year I met alot of influential people who have inspired me in one way or another and by doing so, it encouraged me to go out there, work hard and achieve my dreams. As you can see from my blog bucketlist, there is a lot of famous and influential people that I'd like to meet and hopefully if the opportunity arose chat to about their lives and their amazing jobs. So hopefully in 2016 I'll have the opportunity to meet someone else who I admire and feel inspired by them!

Interview Someone Famous
I suppose this one is similiar to the last but then again not quite. At some point in 2016 I'd like to have the opportunity to interview someone relatively famous for either my blog or on the radio. I think it would be something very exciting to do, great experience and perfect for the CV! So if any of you have any contacts or ideas let me know as I'd really love to put this one into action!

Post At Least 1 Blog Post & YouTube Video A Week
Now, this one could potentially be a little tricky with my health being so unpredictable at times however I think planning is the key and if I can prepare a few extra posts/videos in advance just in case my pain flares up I'll be half way there. It would be great if I actually managed to stick to it! I'm sure time will tell but I'll certainly give it my best shot!

Pick Up My Accoustic Guitar and Teach Myself to Play It Again
Before my knee surgery, prior to having problems with my nerves which also affects my hand I played Accoustic guitar and had lessons twice a week; in school and privately after school. I loved it so much and spent hours practicing every week. Unfortunately, I decided to give up when things began playing up with my hand and knee as I was suffering from a lot of pain/a hand tremor so playing guitar wasn't too easy because of that. As some of you know, I started learning bass guitar just over two years ago and it isn't paticularly easy with my hand at times but I do my best and fight through the pain as I enjoy it so much. One thing I really want to do is pick up my accoustic guitar again and learn to play again so that's another aim for 2016, to do just that!

Take Good Care Of My Skin
Now, this might sound a little strange to be setting as a goal for 2016 but I have become very perfected about my skin and want to take good care of it. For the past while or so, I've been paying paticular attention to taking care of my skin but in 2016 I want to maintain this and learn new techniques about how to take care of it. When I'm older I want to look back to today and feel proud of myself for actually making the effort to take care of my skin and of course pulling through the temptation of wanting to go to bed without removing my makeup.

Enter A Photography Competition
I always have big intentions to enter some of my photography work into photography contests but never quite get round to it. So this year, I want to sit down and make myself do enter at least one photography competition. So I'll be sure to keep you all updated on that one!