
Friday, 7 August 2015

Plans for Future Blog Posts

Hello Lovely People!
Firstly, I hope that you're all well and that life is good! Secondly, my apologies for being so quiet around here of late. Time flies by so quickly and all of a sudden it 'hits' you that you haven't written a blog post for a little while. Hopefully, I'll be able to get myself back on track soon enough and have plenty of new posts up for you to read in the not so distant future (I hope!).
Lately, I've been doing a little brainstorming about what content I hope and intend to write on both of my blogs over the next little while. I want to keep my blogs updated as regularly as I possibly can and don't want to sit down and deliberate over what to write next. There's seriously nothing worse than writers block! I am pleased to inform you that I have in fact had a few blog post ideas which I've taken note of and as I write this other ideas are still popping into my head. 
Another idea that has been at the back on my mind for quite a number of months now was creating a YouTube channel to coincide with both of my blogs. Perhaps a channel for this blog "The Hat Hippie" and another for my music blog "Jukebox Rhapsody"? Like I said it's something I've thought about attempting for quite a while now however, the thought of sitting in front of a camera talking to myself initially seemed rather daunting I must confess. But as you'll be aware, I've been hosting a radio show every week on 3TFM which meant that I've had to talk away to myself for as long as two hours! So let's face it if I can talk live on radio for two hours straight with people listening; I can talk in front of a camera and create a ten minute video to post on YouTube. 'It can't be that hard!' says the bold Robyn. I'll certainly give it a good shot and see what happens! With that in mind, be sure to keep an eye out for my first video! As I'm currently making a list of future blog post ideas, be sure to let me know if you'd like to see me write about something in particular or if you have any video ideas for either my general channel or my music channel!
For the past number of weeks now, I've been hosting a weekly radio show on a Thursday afternoon alongside the odd fill-in slot at other times throughout the week. I have a radio slot scheduled again for this coming Thursday afternoon (Thursday 13th August 2015) between 1-3pm (UK time), so if anyone would like to tune it would be greatly appreciated. To listen online click here or download the TuneIn Radio app.
Anyway, I will go for now and leave you with this short (but sweet!) update. I will be back soon with a new blog post so stayed tuned!
Love, Peace and Best Wishes,
Rob (The Hat Hippie) 

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