Monday, 22 May 2017

Achieving The Dream...

Hello World!
It's certainly been a while since we last spoke and it's about time that I start writing once again and fill you in with everything that's been happening lately. Firstly, I have officially finished school not just for Summer but forever. In many respects it's a relief to be closing a door on that part of my life as it's been a challenging number of years in regards to education. I will however miss my amazing tutors who really brought me out of my shell and helped boost my confidence as well as teaching me the most amazing skills in art and music.
Now that I'm finished with school I'm in limbo in many respects at the current moment due to health reasons another of the reasons why I haven't been so active on my blog. Since the beginning of the year I've been suffering from non stop UTIs and have been on a number of antibiotics to fight against them. Unfortunately, I'm not quite out of the woods yet as although there is no longer signs of infection I am still suffering from various symptoms. Having been on various painkillers due to my chronic pain condition for such a long period of time it was a concern to me that perhaps they could be causing me such symptoms as I tend to keep a close eye on the literature accompanying the medication. After expressing my concerns to my pain management consultant he felt that it would be beneficial for me to see a specialist in that field however it could also be down to the fact that my nervous system is so sensitive that any pain and discomfort could be increased and last much longer than the actual infection itself. So due to this I haven't been feeling my best in recent months and have taken a step back from things to allow myself a break.
My plan is however to start writing more frequently once again now that I have more time to spare. One of my biggest aims is to redesign my blog and give it a brand new look. I'm currently looking into this and hope to get things moving over the coming weeks so please bear with me! I have a number of topics in mind that I hope to cover in the coming months which I feel are extremely important to write about here on my blog that I haven't yet discussed. Perhaps I might even look back at some of my older posts and rewrite them with fresh words and new opinions because like everyone I've become stronger in mind and my outlook towards life is constantly developing.
As always my biggest passion and interests are wishing the media world and I must say that I feel all the more determined to make it now than I ever have. It is without a doubt my dream to become a full time radio/TV presenter within the entertainment industry. I spend many an hour watching and listening to various shows studying the best in the industry picking up on their quirks and how they connect with their audience. My Sister and I spent the evening last night glued to my laptop watching the Billboard Music Awards and admittedly, I spent the duration of the event telling myself that one day I could be there presenting and interviewing and I genuinely believe that I CAN make it happen. There's been a couple of occasions in recent years that I've received knock backs that made me doubt myself and even just a few weeks ago I had a slight blip where I felt frustrated and despondent particularly due to the setbacks that having a disability has on achieving my dreams. But the more I've thought about it the more I realise that I can make it! It might be a long, hard ride but nothing worthwhile in life is easily achieved but when I do get there in the end I'll truly appreciate it! One of my biggest driving forces is proving every single person that's ever doubted me or put barriers in my path wrong and for whatever reason that determination has really helped me get my head in the right place again lately.
Life is far too short to allow dreams to slip by you so why should I give up the fight? I am determined to make a positive out of each of life's barriers and hope that this post will encourage you to do the same!
Please wish me luck as I make my way into the world. This is where all of the hard work begins and one thing for sure is that I ain't giving up until I'm living the dream; my dream!

Until next time!
Love & Peace xx