Thursday the 15th September 2016, I turned 18 years old! Isn't that a scary thought!? It's probably even more frightening for everyone that's known me since I was born all those years ago. I always have the pleasure of being able to say I was born in the 90s! For some reason, I find that pretty cool haha! Anyway better late than never; here's my well overdue account of my 18th Birthday!
I woke up that morning to my family submerging me in balloons with '18' written on them and streamers. I can't say that this was the most pleasant way to wake up particularly when your not a morning person-I could easily have slept for a few more hours had you let me awake with it! But Hey-Ho! My family had other ideas.
Mum had prepared a lovely birthday breakfast for me (Thanks Mum!), she's a fab cook by the way! And my Dad took it upon himself to play Stevie Wonders 'Happy Birthday' alongside 'Lisa It's Your Birthday' from the Simpsons. A quick fun fact for you all; Michael Jackson actually wrote it. Every time I hear that song I like to bring that random fact into the accompanying conversation to which my Sister rolls her eyes and says 'you told me that a million times
Following breakfast I was allowed to open my prezzies which were positioned on the living room sofa waiting to see the light of day. It became quite a joke about my birthday as my Mum spent the weeks prior constantly asking me what I'd like and she'd receive one of the following answers; 'I don't know', 'I'm not sure' or 'I'll think about it'-useful or what? I mean she was still asking me like two days before the day itself and to be honest I didn't really have anything in mind. I think from experience I've realised that I really don't care too much about possessions. For me, the best things in life are being happy and the memories/experiences-not trying to sound soppy or anything but it's true!
My lovely prezzies-thanks everyone! |
Eventually, I did decided on some money to help me towards buying a MacBook which I've been saving long and hard for me. Everyone I've ever spoken to says it's an investment and I feel that I want a laptop that's reliable particularly when I use it for the various things such as my Blog, YouTube channel as well as various other things I'm involved in.
My parents did however, surprise me with some smaller bits and bobs including my favourite Yankee candle 'Witches Brew' (a patchouli scented candle that they bring out for Halloween every year), a gorgeous handmade bead from Soul Silver on Etsy, I'd been eyeing up her beads for years but never got round to buying one so it was a lovely 18th birthday gift. I also received the miniature Zoella perfume set from her new Christmas range as well as few other lovely gifts. My sister Laurel bought me a gorgeous silver necklace with a dream catcher pendant and my Grandparents, Aunt and Uncles all gave me some money which I'm also going to use towards the MacBook. I could easily go on forever but I also want to say a huge thank-you to Heather, Susan, my tutors Julianne and Martin, my Aunt Irene and Kaitlin, Donna, Jean and my Grans neighbours; Margaret, Jim, Gillian, Callum and Kieran for all the lovely presents!
Afterwards I began getting organised for the day ahead when I noticed Mum doing a mad rush around the house; hoovering and making sure that everything was generally tidy. This led me to become rather suspicious, I just knew something wasn't quite right.
As I was sitting in my room applying some makeup, Mum appeared to tell me that there was a visitor here to see me. Confused, I followed her to the door just as my old tutor Winnie was arriving! It was such a lovely surprise to see her and I completely didn't expect it! Winnie tutored me for a while during the early days of secondary school before she moved away however she pops in when she's in the area for a coffee and had contacted my Mum to ask if she could come surprise me on my birthday and my goodness she certainly did!
Following this we headed out to pick up the Birthday cake my Mum's friend had made for me. She created me the most amazing Beatles inspired cake complete with the famous Abbey Road crossing and a yellow submarine! It was so colourful and quirky and just right up my street-I was so delighted with it! The pictures that I've attached don't do it the justice it deserves but take my word for it, it was absolutely incredible! And tasted even better! So Suzanne, Thank-you so much! I loved it!
We pretty much spent the entire journey home holding our breath in hope that we wouldn't hit any major bumps in the road in fear of the cake being damaged. Fortunately we made it home with the cake intact-phew! Mum nipped into the house with it whilst Laurel and I waited in the car before heading out to get a late lunch.
Beatles birthday cake!!! |
We decided to try 'Costley's' in Prestwick town as we'd only ever visited the ice shop and had heard the cafe/restaurant next door was equally just as nice. I've recently taken a bit of a notion for egg mayonnaise sandwiches for whatever reason so that's what I decided to order and it was absolutely delicious! At this very second, I cannot remember what Mum and Laurel ordered but they both said theirs was equally as good! So if you're ever in the town of Prestwick be sure to pop into 'Costley's' for a spot of lunch or perhaps even one of their scrumptious cakes-mmmm!
Back home we began to get organised because as soon as Dad got home from work were going to head out to the cinema. Why might you ask? Well, as you all know I'm a bit of a Beatles geek and the new Beatles film titled 'Eight Days A Week-The Touring Years' was due to be released exclusively for one evening only in the UK on my Birthday so of course I wasn't going to miss out?! In fact, I couldn't think of a better way to spend my Birthday!
The film included the red carpet footage live from Leicester Square in London which reminded me of the antics of the evening we went to see The Rolling Stones 'Crossfire Hurricane' premiere back in 2012-that however is a story for a later date! I love how much technology has moved on even since 2012 when I'd never heard of a cinema showing a live streaming of an event such as this whereas in the past year I've seen a Take That concert streamed live in the cinema and now watched the premiere of a Beatles filmed live-it's so weird when you think about it! Anyway, the premiere saw a whole host of well known names arrive including Madonna, Stella McCartney, Yoko Ono, Liam Gallagher and Sir Bob Geldof. However, the highlight is undoubtably the arrival of Sir Paul McCartney and Mr Ringo Starr!
This was of course followed by the main attraction; the film itself and at the very end the moviegoers were treated to around 30 minutes of unseen Shea Stadium concert footage of The Beatles back in the 60s. I must say I was slightly taken aback by many of the other people in the cinema who I'm afraid to say can only be described as a bunch of bores-no offence! Some left before the concert footage even began, some talked through it and others sat in silence as if it was a serious matter. Not I! Don't play Beatles gig footage and expect me to sit without the song lyrics to escape my lips as well as the odd cheer and clap! Needless to say my Sister shot me the odd death glare which of course was ignored. She hadn't seen anything yet; she never went to see Paul McCartney with me last year! I left with no voice, death ears but my philosophy was that 'I'd never seen any of these people again'. Haha! How wrong was I? As soon as we got back to the hotel and queued up for the lift, the two ladies in front of us turned out and started laughing as they'd been seated along from us at the gig and had enjoyed watching me throughout the show! I'll still never learn my lesson though!
Unattractive photo of me blowing out my Birthday cake! |
Anyway, back home we lit my Birthday cake and enjoyed a slice each which was just amazing! Such a good cake-I'm hungry just thinking about it!
The following day we went out for a family dinner to my favourite restaurant which of course was great! My family even surprised me with two large 18th Balloons on the table. So that was good!
Anyway, I'm rambling on a bit so I better bring this post to a close. I just want to say a huge thank-you to everyone who took the time to send me a birthday message-I received so many and really enjoyed reading them all! Also a huge thank-you to everyone for the lovely presents and cards, it really does mean a lot! I had a lovely 18th birthday and can't quite get over the fact I'm already that age. It's the start of a new chapter which I hope will be a continuation of all the mad things I've got up to over the years! Who knows what it might bring?
Love & Peace,
The Hat Hippie xx