
Sunday, 6 September 2015

Hello September!

Hello World! 
I thought it was about time I wrote an update for my blog seeing as it's been a few weeks since my last post. During that time the schools here in Scotland have returned following summer break and I believe that the schools down south have also followed suit during the past two weeks. With that being the case, I have been extremely busy throughout the past few weeks and haven't found the time or the inspiration if I'm being honest to sit down and write a new post. It's quite late right now and I'm a little tired however I don't feel ready enough to fall asleep just yet so thought I'd make use of my time to write a quick post for you lovely people!
Like I said above the schools have resumed following summer break and so has my home tutoring. This year I'm going to be focusing on art, music as well as working on the John Muir award which focuses on the natural environment and conservation. I have tutoring five days a week and oh my goodness is it going to take a while to get into the routine of having tutors at random times each day. But we'll get there eventually (I hope!).
As some of you may already know I play bass guitar and have been doing so for the past two years or so. I absolutely love playing bass particularly now that I'm at the stage where I hear a song by my favourite band and am able to pick up my bass and learn to play it almost immediately which is extremely exciting! So I'll be continuing to learn bass for the next year as part of my schooling which I couldn't been any happier about!
 During my art sessions which I only started a few weeks ago, I have already produced a bunch of art work using a range of materials and of course doing a little experimenting with Photoshop as well. Since the new term started I've produced a range of drawings/paintings of natural objects such as shells and flowers and in that short period of time have developed particular love of watercolour and line drawing. So I thought from time to time I might take a few photographs of my artwork and post them up here on my blog and share them with you lovely people as well as keeping track of it for my own future reference.
As we all know it's now September and summer is unfortunately behind us for another year much to my dismay. Without a doubt, autumn and winter are beautiful months for the scenery and the colours in the trees however I am not a fan of the cold weather that goes alongside that. As you'll have read in my previous blog posts I suffer from CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) which is affected and aggravated majorly by the cold and damp weather. It's only been September for just a few days and the weather is already reminding us that summer is now over. And with that has come an increase in my pain levels which has not been fun at all! So my trusty companion; my hot water bottle has shown face once again for yet another year. To whoever invented the hot water bottle; I thank you! I seriously don't know what I'd do without one nowadays.
Just as I was saying above we are now in the grand old month of September and despite my moans of September signifying the start of the colder weather, it also has its good points. September is my birth month and on the fifteenth of the month, I turn seventeen years old which is an extremely scary thought! It doesn't feel that long ago since it was my sixteenth last year. My goodness, the past the year has flown in so quickly!
So anyway, I just wanted to share this brief post to keep you all update to with all that's been going on in my life throughout the past couple of weeks. I am now going to edit and publish the post before making a start on another of my future blog posts so do keep an eye out for that; it should be up in the not so distant future! If you haven't already make sure to click here and give my Facebook page a like to keep up to date with all of my latest news!

Sending you all lots of love, peace and best wishes,
Robyn xxx



  1. Are you following Rodger Waters' new Wall release?

    1. Hi David,
      Yes, I've heard about the new release. Sounds very exciting!
      Best Wishes,

    2. I have tickets and I'm going there with my best friend Paul.

    3. Great! Hope you enjoy it!
